Part 36 - Daddy Time

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(cute daddy sniper in this part so prepare you awws 😆)
you wake up the next morning and (y/d/n) licks your face
"hello (y/d/n)" you say rubbing (y/d/n)'s face
"hello (y/n)" (y/d/n) says then (y/c/n) says after
you then get up and head downstairs to have breakfast, when you get there with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) you see sniper having a cup of coffee in his favourite mug
"hi dad" you say walking over to sniper
"oh g'day sweetheart" sniper says and he kisses you on the forehead
you smile then do the breakfast routine, after you did the breakfast routine you grab your breakfast which is a chocolate spread toast and sit by sniper
"do you want to spend today with me sweetheart" sniper asks "medics busy doing something today and we haven't had you and me time yet"
"sure" you reply "what do you want to do?"
"well i was hoping later after dinner you'll like to go camping with me" sniper says "we can watch the stars in the sky"
"oooo i never watched the sky at night before" you say excited
"so you want to come?" sniper says excited
"sure thing dad" you reply happy
"good" sniper says and rubs your hair "so what do you want to do first?"
"i don't know yet but i will know when i know" you says and smile
sniper chuckles and carries on drinking his coffee and you finish you toast while thinking what to do with sniper, after you had your breakfast and sniper has his coffee you take sniper to your room with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) following behind and you sit sniper on your bed before you go over to your desk
"what you doing sweetheart" sniper say a little confused
"i'm going to give you a makeover" you says coming back with a pencil case of felt tips (markers)
sniper laughed and smiles
"ok sweetheart, do your thing" sniper says and he takes of his hat and sunglasses
you draw on sniper face with your felt tips (markers) and you give him a lovely makeover (in your opinion), sniper then gets up and looks at himself in the mirror, he laughs and you giggle
"i look great" sniper says and sits down again "you did a good job sweetheart"
"thanks" you says and smile a cute smile
you then remember a funny trick that scout taught you while you were spending time with him so you decide to do it to sniper (it's the nose flick thing)
"hey what's that?" you say pointing to sniper's shirt
"what?" sniper say and looks down
you then flicks his nose then beep it before laughing
"i beeped you nose" you say and carry on laughing
"oh you cheeky bugger" sniper says and he picks you up
he then pulls up your shirt and blows raspberries on your tummy making you laugh even more, after sniper tickles you, you have sometime to cool down then you notice sniper's sunglasses and hat, you grab them and put them on, as before the hat was a little big but you didn't mind and the sunglasses were kinda big too but they stayed in place
"i'm you now" you says smiling
"you look adorable" sniper says and beeps your nose
you giggle and sniper smiles, then (y/d/n) sits on sniper lap and starts licking his face in excitement
"(y/d/n)!" sniper says and falls over on your bed
you laugh and then you jump on the bed taking of the hat and sunglasses and (y/c/n) purrs happily, you lie down next to sniper and you put his hat and sunglasses next to him, (y/d/n) lies down next to (y/c/n) who is on their beds and you then smile evily getting an idea
"i going to find you tickle spot" you say and you climb ontop of sniper
"well good luck with that since i don't have one" sniper replies
you then see if sniper was lying by tickling in places but he wasn't laughing, you then went back ontop of sniper and lie down on his chest and your head reached his head, he smiles and kisses you on the forehead before rolling on his side so you were on the bed too
"you are a cheeky monkey you know that" sniper says before grabbing his sunglasses and putting them back on his face
he then boops you on the nose again and you giggle before looking at him
"i know i am a cheeky monkey but what are you?" you say
"i'm...a tickle tiger who's going to tickle you" sniper says and he tickles you causing you to laugh happily
after the tickle you were still lied down on your side and look at sniper still giggling
"dad?" you say looking at him
"yeah" sniper says looking back at you lying on his side
"i love you" you say and hug sniper
"i love you too sweetheart" sniper replies and he hugs you back kisses your forehead
after the hug, you decide to look though the animal book pyro let you borrow so you grab it and bring it back to sniper
"let's look though this animal book" you say as sniper sits up and putting his hat on his head
"ok" sniper replies and you sit in between sniper's legs and you open the book
you and sniper look though the book and sniper will tell you about the animal when you pointed to the animal
"so what's that" you say pointing to a wombat
"that's a wombat" sniper says with his voice turning really australian
"wormbat" you reply repeating what sniper said
"close enough" sniper says
"what do they do?" you say
"they are loike rats and mice but bigger and they can dig borrows loike rabbits" sniper explains
"ooo" you say "that's cool"
"yeah it is" sniper replies and rubs your head
you then turn the page
"and what's that" you say pointing to a platypus
"that's a platypus" sniper says after looking at the picture
"platiepuss" you say
"close enough again" sniper says
"what do they do?" you say
"they are loike a mole but it lives in water, has a beck and webbed feet and it lays eggs" sniper says as simple as possible
"ooo" you say and you look up at him
"but you can't touch the males, they are poisonous" sniper says 
"ok" you say and look back at the book
this went on for a while with you showing the animal to sniper and he explains the animal to you since he's a bit of an animal expert, after the book was over it was almost dinner time so you and sniper go and get dinner, after dinner sniper takes you outside in the dark night leaving (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) in your room to sleep and you sat ontop of the camper van with sniper looking at the beautiful night sky, you sat next to sniper with your hands on your side and sniper had his hands on his tummy
"there are a lot of white dots" you say looking amazed at the sky
"those are stars sweetheart" sniper say "and if you wish on the brightest one, it might come true"
"ok" you says and look for a bright star
"you can also wish on a shooting star too but their rare" sniper says looking at you then he pulls you in so you are at his side
"i see if i can find one" you say and look back at the sky
"can you find one?" sniper says
"no not yet" you reply still looking at the sky but you were getting sleepy
"be right back sweetheart" sniper says sitting up and he goes into his camper van
he comes back out with a blanket and pillows, he puts the blanket over you and give you a pillow to lie your head on
"there we go" sniper says
"" you says yawning then you fall asleep hugging sniper with your head on his chest
sniper smiles and then grabs the pillow and puts it behind his head, he then watches the stars for a while before medic comes outside
"i thought you would be here" medic whispers seeing you asleep
"yeah we camping...kinda, wanna join" sniper says
"ok i'll be right back with a blanket" medic says and leaves
after a bit medic returns with a big blanket and he climbs quietly onto the camper van, he then puts the blanket over himself and sniper while not to disturbs you, sniper then had the blanket over him with you ontop of the blanket still sleeping on sniper's chest
"what did you do with her today? medic asks lying down
"well first she gave me a makeover which i washed off before dinner, then we played around for a bit and then we were looking in the animal book pyro got showing her different animals" sniper explained quietly
medic smiles, he then cups sniper's cheek and kisses sniper
"you are a good dad to her" medic says smiling and blushing
"and you are a good 'mum' to her" sniper says then nuzzles medic
medic kisses sniper on the cheek then they watch the sky together before both of them fell asleep with sniper having his hands on his tummy and his hat over his eyes and medic having his head on sniper's chest where his heart is located, you, sniper and medic slept on top of the camper till the next day.
(A/N - OMG! this was the cutest part i ever written and i might do it again at a different part, hope you'll enjoy it as much as i love writing it and see you next part)

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