Part 65 - The Birth

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Scout was rushing as fast as he could grabbing one of his coats and then he bolted down to medic's lab where luckily medic was there doing some paperwork
"doc!" scout says as he bursted into the room
"scout...would you not- what's wrong?" medic says as he was about to scold the boy for slamming the door open but then he sees scout's very worried look
"it's miss paulin', i think she's going into labour" scout says panicking and this made medic get shocked
"i get the ambulance" medic says and he bolts off to the garage
meanwhile the other mercs were around the house, sniper was chilling in the living room with pyro and spy, soldier and engie were in engie's workshop enjoying each other's company, heavy and demo were in the kitchen have a late night snack and drink and lastly you were fast asleep in your room with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) asleep next to you on the bed.
back with medic and scout and the pair were in the ambulance
"where is miss pauling at the moment?" medic asked scout as he turned on the van
"she's at her house, i will guild you" scout says and then they took off to miss pauling's house
when the pair got to miss pauling's house which took 30 minutes to get there scout bolted into the house and after searching he found miss pauling in her bathroom
"miss pauling! are you okay?!" scout asked as he can see miss pauling in pain
"n-no! my-my water br-broke!" miss pauling replies as she cluches her stomach in pain
"oh! don't worry, i brought medic with me and we can take you to his infirmary" scout says as medic walks in the room
"it's okay miss pauling, i will carry you to the ambulance" medic says and then he picks up miss pauling with ease "scout, go the ambulance and open the back door" he asks scout and scout replied with a nod
the pair then go to the ambulance while miss pauling was yelling in pain and scout opens the back doors as medic puts miss pauling down on a stretcher
"now, you stay here scout and hold her hand while i'll drive us back to the infirmary" medic says and he shuts the doors while scout sits next to miss pauling
"don't worry miss pauling, soon the twins will be here and we will get to hold them for the first time" scout says as the ambulance starts
"...i-i always wanted t-to hold them" miss pauling says tuckered out but then she screams as she starts to push again
medic drove as fast as he could and when he gets back to the infirmary he wheels miss pauling to the medical bay
"i am right beside you, miss pauling" scout says as he catches up to the streacher
"...this is all your fault, jeremy!" miss pauling shouts in anger which makes scout stop in place
"scout, come on, she didn't mean it, it was just a mood swing" medic shouts and scout snaps out of his trance and went back to medic and miss pauling who was still yelling and screaming
the yelling and screaming had alarmed the other mercs when miss pauling get inside the medical bay and it caused all of them to move to the infirmary, when they all get there, scout was outside the doors
"what's going on?" spy asked scout
"it's miss pauling, she's gone into labour" scout says and after he said it miss pauling screamed
"about time" sniper says with his arms crossed
"oh and snipes, medic says to go check on (y/n) to see if she hasn't woken up" scout says pointing to sniper
"okay, mate" sniper says and he goes off leaving the others
sniper then makes it to your room and when he opens the door he sees you awake and looking confused
"hi sweetheart, what's wrong?" sniper asked as he walks in and kneels down next to your bed
"i heard screaming, is everything okay?" you asked confused
"everything is fine, it was just scout scaring miss pauling with a horror movie, you know how scary those movies can be" sniper says with a lie so you don't worry
"oh...i didn't know auntie pauling was here?" you says surprised yo here miss pauling was here
"yeah, scout invited her after you went to bed" sniper says and he strokes you on the head "anyway it's time for you to sleep, you have school tomorrow, remember?" he says and you settle down in the bed
"ok dad, good night" you say and you drift off to sleep
"goodnight sweetheart" sniper says and he kisses you on the forehead before leaving your room
back with scout, miss pauling and medic and miss pauling was almost done pushing out the first child
"come on, miss pauling, just one more push" medic says and miss pauling pushes with all her might while crushing scout's hand
then after minutes medic finally picks up the baby
"it's a boy!" he says happily and after cutting the cord he hands the baby to scout
"miss pauling, look, he looks just like me" scout says with happiness but miss pauling can hear his selfishness in his voice
scout then showed miss pauling the baby and she smiled
"he does" miss pauling says and she strokes the baby on the head
"ok, miss pauling, now let's see if the other baby is ready" medic says and miss pauling nods tiredly
miss pauling then tried to push but she couldn't feel the other baby
"i...i don't feel anything" miss pauling says tiredly confused "i know the baby is there but i don't think it's ready to come out" she adds and medic nods
"well...there is sometimes a delay in between the births of multiple baby" medic says as he was looking at the baby that was born "why don't you have a bit of a rest then if the other baby doesn't want to come out by then, i will have to do a c-section" he explains and miss pauling nods
"ok, medic" miss pauling says and then medic decides to leaves the pair to love their new baby boy
when medic steps out of the infirmary he sees just sniper and spy at the waiting chairs, spy then gets up when he sees medic and goes over to him
"how are they, medic?" spy asks the doctor
" of the babies was born but the other one doesn't want to come out yet but both miss pauling and scout are okay...but i don't know if scout might have a broken hand or not" medic explains and spy sighs in relief after hearing the news "i forget sometimes that you are scout's father, does that mean you are a grandfather now" he says and asks
spy just nods a little then he goes into the infirmary after turning invisible, medic watches him go in then he goes over and sits by sniper
"how's (y/n)?" medic asks sniper as they both look at each other
"she's fine, she heard the screaming from miss.pauling but i just told her that scout was showing her a scary horror movie, she then bought it and now she's gone to sleep again" sniper explains to medic and medic smiles
"that's good" medic replies sounding tired and sniper goes near him and kiss him on the cheek
"you sound tired" sniper says and medic nods
"i am but i'm not done yet, there is still the other twin that needs to be born" medic replies but then he puts his head on sniper's shoulder and sniper hugs medic closely
"...umm hey doc" sniper says as he remembered something "did you...weight the baby?" he asked and medic jolted up
"no, i didn't" medic says as he remembered himself then he goes back into the infirmary
sniper shakes his head amused then he leans back into his chair, when medic goes over to scout and miss pauling he sees that scout was still holding the baby while miss pauling was trying to get scout to give the baby to her as she wanted to breast feed the baby
"i need the baby to weight it" medic says and he takes the baby from scout
he then puts the baby on the baby weighing scales that he conventionally had and he puts the baby on it
"he weights...3.5 pounds" medic says and he hands the baby to miss pauling "which is a healthy weight" he adds and miss pauling sighs
"that's good to know" miss pauling says and she makes the baby start to breast feed
"thought of any names for him" medic asks
"well...we have thought of a duo name and the boy will be called james" scount says and medic smiles as miss pauling nods to agree with scout
"that's good, still no contractions yet, miss pauling?" medic says and asks miss pauling
", i'm starting to worry" miss pauling says and she gains a worried face
"give it another 30 minutes and if there is still nothing, it then time for the c-section" medic explains and miss pauling nods still with a worried face
medic then decides to leave again and he goes to sit by sniper in the waiting room, meanwhile you tried to sleep after sniper visited you but for some reason you couldn't so you went to the kitcken to grab a glass of milk, when you got into the kitchen you see soldier, engineer, pyro and heavy sitting at table
"oh, hi darling" engie says as he sees you walking into the kitchen
"hi...why is everyone up, it's sleepy time" you says confused
"it's noting to worry about darling, everyone is just stressed about something" engineer says in a calming tone
"what's everyone worried about?" you says as you stand on your stool to grab a glass
"it's miss pauling" heavy says and you look at him with a really confused face
"what's wrong with auntie pauling? did she get too scared by the movie her and scout were watching?" you says confused
"umm...yes, the movie was too scary that miss pauling went into shock" engie says with lying
"poor miss pauling" you says feeling sad
"but don't worry cupcake, miss pauling is going to be okay!" soldier says in his demanding voice
"oh that's good" you says gaining relief
you then pour out your milk then you leave the other going back to your room, when you get there you drink your milk and then you finally went back to sleep again, in the infirmary about 20 minutes later and miss pauling gained contractions again
"medic, i think the other baby is coming" miss pauling says and medic entered the room
"ok, let's get you over to the table" medic says and he puts miss pauling on the operating table
"what do i do with james?" scout asked not sure where to put his son but then spy appeared
"i'll hold him" spy says and he takes james from scout
"thanks spy" scout says and then he jogs over to medic and miss pauling
spy then looks at his grandson and he smiles as he sits down in the chair that scout was originally sitting, it took a hour and a half but finally the other twin was born
"it's a girl!" medic says and he cuts the cord
"he then goes over to the weighing scale to weigh her
"she is...2.5 pounds which is 10 lighter then james" medic says then he takes the baby off the scales
he then hands the baby girl to miss pauling and she was in awe on how beautiful the baby was
"she's beautiful" miss pauling says happily but tired
"she is" scout says and he strokes the baby's cheek
"so what's her name?" medic asked as he helps miss pauling into her bed
"jessie" miss pauling says happily and medic nods
"so jessie and james...good name duo" medic says and the new parents nods tiredly
"well...*yawn* i'm going to bed, if you need anything just find me in my room" medic says and he leaves the infirmary with sniper tagging along when medic walks past him in the waiting room
scout and miss pauling then look at their twin with scout holding james after taking him from spy and miss pauling looking at jessie who was feeding
"...handsome james and beautiful jessie" miss pauling says happily "i'm so glad i met them" she adds softly
"me too" scout says and then he yawns "i'm going to sleep, night miss pauling" he says after he hands james to miss pauling and he made himself comfy in the bed next to miss pauling's
miss pauling looks at her twins and she smiles at the pair were feeding
"...welcome to the world, my babies" miss pauling says and she watches her twins happily
you were still asleep in your room but what you didn't know is that tomorrow you are going to meet your new cousins.

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