Part 40 - Birthday Party

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You wake up the next morning and after getting washed and dressed you head down stairs to have your breakfast with
(y/d/n) and (y/c/n), when you get there you see sniper, medic, soldier, engie and scout having their breakfast
"g'day sweetheart" sniper says seeing you
"hi dad" you reply walking over to sniper
"have a good sleep?" sniper says rubbing your hair
"yeah" you reply and smile
"good" sniper says and he carries on with his breakfast
you do the morning routine with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) and after they were sorted out you have your breakfast, as you were having your breakfast letters came thought the letterbox and scout went over to get them
"lets see" scout says "there's one for sniper, one for medic, one for engie, another one for engie, one for me, one for soldier and oh one for you tuts" scout says giving everyone their letters then yours
"looks like your popular liebste" medic says smiling
you smile back then you open the letter to find an invatation to a birthday party
"dear (y/n), you are invited to (your friends name)'s birthday party on the (today's date) at (random address) from 10:00 till 3:00"
"what is it tuts?" scout asked
"in an invatation to my friend's party" you say "can i go?"
sniper takes the invatation out of your hand and looks at it
"sure thing sweetheart" sniper says "i can take you there"
"thanks dad" you say and hug him "so what's your letter?" you ask after the hug
"umm" sniper says opening the letter and it was from his parents "oh its from me mum and dad"
"oh what do they say?" you ask sitting down again
"they say that..." sniper says reading the letter "they love me very much and they wish i was home with them"
"aww" you reply and this makes sniper smile
"now liebste you need to get ready for the party" medic says
"ok mom" you say and you jump down off your chair and go to your room with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n)
when you get to your room, you sort yourself out then you put (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) on your bed
"right, i'm going to a birthday party so you 2 be good and i'll be back" you say
"ok (y/n)" (y/d/n) says
"well bye" (y/c/n) says
you stroke both (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) before leaving your room, you head downstairs to see sniper waiting for you at the door
"ready to go sweetheart" sniper says as you walk up to him
"yeah" you reply "lets go"
you and sniper head to sniper's camper van and set off to your friends party, when you get there sniper drops you off
"see you later sweetheart, have fun" sniper says and drives off
you went to the door and it swings open to see your friend standing there
"(y/n)! i didn't think you would come" (y/f/n) says "come in, come in"
you enter the house and you have been in it before but something was different about it, you shrug it off and join the others for the party, meanwhile back as base (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) were sleeping on your bed and sniper returned from taking you to the party
"hallo, did she get there ok?" medic asked as sniper entered
"hi, yeah she entered the house as i turned the corner" sniper replied "i thinks she's going to have a good time"
medic smiles and he gives sniper a quick kiss before they head to the kitchen, at the party you were having a great time with your friend with her friends and relatives, it was time for the cake so your friend's mother brings out the cake with 6 candles on it, your friend and everyone else goes over to the cake and they all sing happy birthday, after singing your friend blew out the candles and everyone cheered, as your friends mother went back into the kitchen your friend come over to you
"are you enjoying the party (y/n)?" (y/f/n) says
"i'm having a blast since this is my first birthday party" you reply
"yeah that mother of your is very mean" (y/f/n) says
"yeah..." you say then your friends mother come out with slices of cake
"cakes ready" your friends mother says
you were the first one to grab a piece of cake and you loved it, after the cake you sat down on the sofa and watched everyone play, your friend then come over and joins you on the sofa
"so how's the summer holiday going?" (y/f/n) asked
you explain to her about (y/d/n) and (y/c/n), your mother's death and you are living with the merc calling them your uncles and auntie pauling and how you are loving it
"oh that's cool" (y/f/n) says
"ok kids, it's time for party games" your friends mother says making the kids cheer
they all went outside to play even you and (y/f/n), you were having a good time and before you knew it, it was time to go home so sniper picked you up and while driving home you were looking though your party bag your friend gave you
"what's in the party bag?" sniper asked with his eyes on the road
"umm...there's a party popper, a piece of cake, a (favourite colour) bouncy ball, bubbles, sweets (candy) and tiny teddy bear" you says pulling out the items
"that's a lot of stuff" sniper says "we're home now" and he parks the camper van on the drive
you get out of the camper van with sniper's help and head back inside the base, when you get in you went in your room and showed (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) your items, you then played around with them for a few hours till it was dinner time and you went downstairs to have dinner, after dinner you went to bed and slept in your bed having a dream about the party.

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