Part 16 - Playing Pranks

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After breakfast, you were about to head outside to spend more time with (y/d/n) when scout stops you
"hey tuts, do you want to have some fun?" scout says
"what kind of fun?" you say
"well...lets pranks some people" scout says
"ok" you say and both of you went to prank some people
you first went to prank spy, spy was in his room daydreaming, scout told you to go and grab his stick case 'cigarette case' from the table, you sneak over to the table, grab the stick case and give it to scout, scout then took all the sticks out and replace them with bomb sticks and he tells you to put them back and you do, after you put them back you watch spy go over to the stick case, pick on up and as he lighted it, it exploded in his face and the face he gave made you and scout run away laughing out loud
"scout!" spy shouts when you and scout were running away
next was demoman, scout puts a fire cracker to the wall in his bedroom, then attaches it to a piece of string and then ties it to the door handle and made sure that it will go off when demo pulled the door, you and scout hid in scout's room and waited for him, when demo appeared, he pulled the door open and was scared out of his skin when he neared the firecrackers go off, you and scout shut the door quietly and laughed then you came out the room
"hey there lassie, so you know who put fire crackers in my room?" demo asks
"no i was busy playing with scout then i heard bangs so i came out to investigate" you say lying, you then walk away and scout is not far behind snickering
next target was heavy and scout grabbed one of his sandwiches from the fridge and put marmite in it, he then put it back in the fridge and waited for heavy to appear, when he did he grabbed the sandwich, took a bite and he then was grossed out by the sandwich, you and scout were laughing and then you both ran away so heavy doesn't shout at you both
next and last person you and scout pranked was pyro since you told scout you didn't want to prank sniper, medic, soldier and engie since you didn't want to be in their bed book, scout grabbed his lighter, he empty the fluid inside of it and then replaced it with scrumpy, he then put it back and waited for pyro to appear, when he did he flicked the lighter and it exploded in his hand, you and scout laughed and ran away to scout's room
later spy, heavy, demoman and pyro were in the rec room talking
"scout pranked me" spy say
"me too" heavy say
"i think (y/n) was involved too" demo says
mumbles from pyro
"we need to get our revenge" spy says
"but what do we do?" demo say
"i'll think about it" spy says
a while later, you and scout split up and you decide to take a nap in your room with (y/d/n), scout was in his room writing in his diary on what happened today (yes, scout keeps a diary but he hide it so the others don't find it), after doing that he came down into the kitchen to get some food, when he was gone, spy sneaks in and finds his diary, he then sneaks out again and then heads to your room, when he opens the door to your room, (y/d/n) wakes up, (he/she) wags (his/her) tail then puts (his/her) head on (his/her) arm still watching spy, spy walks over to you and pulls out coloured felt tips from his pocket, he draws on your face but since your a child he only draws things like hearts and stars, when he's done he walks out of the room with (y/d/n) following him and heads to the rec room where everyone except scout is to read the diary, when spy and (y/d/n) get there spy sits down at the table and (y/d/n) goes over to soldier who is sitting next to engie on the couch and sits on his lap
"i have it gentlemen, scouts diary" spy says
"how do you know about it?" engie says
"i saw scout writing in it the other day cause he left the door slightly open" spy says
"and why did you take it?" sniper asks
"its revenge for pranking me, demo, heavy and pyro" spy says
"strange usually scout pranks the whole team" medic says "why didn't he prank me, sniper, engie and soldier"
"cause he had help from (y/n) and i'm guessing she didn't want to prank you 4" demo said
sniper, medic, soldier and engie all look at each other then sighed in relieve that you didn't prank them
"let see what scout put in this diary" spy says and open the diary
"dear diary, today i killed a bunch of bad guys and save the intel once again, miss pauling is going to love what i did and i'm sure she is going to ask me out again" spy said using a scout voice that was mocking him "that was written...a few weeks ago"
everyone laughed
"dear diary, today miss pauling introduced us to a kid, her name was (y/n) and she's cute, i think me and her are going to be the best of friends" spy said mocking scout again
everyone smiled and wanted spy to read more
"dear diary, today (y/n) and i played with a soccor ball, we both kick it around and we had a good time, then we had a drink break and after we were had the drink break soldier come along and takes (y/n) away to training with her, (y/n) was tired out after that so she went to bed after dinner, she's a great girl and i love her company" spy reads
soldier remembers that day and loved every mintures of it
"dear diary, (y/n) came in the living room upset in soldier's arms, the team and i asked what's wrong and she said that her mother abandoned her cause she wouldn't let her keep a puppy that her and sniper found the other day, the puppy is a (favourite dog breed) and (his/her) name is (y/d/n), (he/she) is a cute friendly puppy and i love it to pieces, anyway i think it's sick for (y/n)'s mother abandoned her over a puppy, my ma would let me keep the puppy if i found it and i would love it everyday of my life, also we have official made (y/n) part of the family and i'm her big brother, i never had a sister before and now i do, i love (y/n) so much" spy reads
everyone cuted out
"their is 2 more but i'll read the one he wrote today" spy says
"dear diary, me and (y/n) pranks spy, demo, heavy and pyro and it was so funny, we made spy's cigarettes explode in his mouth and made his face and ski mask all black, we scared demoman with a fire cracker to his door, we put marmite in heavy's sandwich and we made pyro' a lighter explode in his hand, we had so much fun but i wish i could of prank soldier, engie, sniper and medic but (y/n) wouldn't let me since she is to kind to them but i didn't mind, she's my sister and i will look after her no matter what" spy reads
Spy, demo, heavy and pyro were mad at scout for what he did but as they were about to complain scout comes in
"hey that my diary" scout says "give it back!"
"no no no my fils, you first got to apologise to me, heavy, demo and pyro for what you did to us for what you did" spy says hold the book up so scout can't reach it
"you...fine i'm sorry" scout says putting his arm down then put his head down in shame "what does fils mean anyway"
"that's better, here you are and fils means...buddy" spy say and lying what fils really means (it means son in french)
"ok well...thanks, i hope you haven't been reading it" scout says walking off
"oh i forgot to say that i drew on (y/n)'s face as well for revenge on her but don't worry, i haven't drawn anything rude on her, she's to young for that anyway" spy says sitting down
"didn't you stop him (y/d/n)?" soldier asks (y/d/n)
"woof" (y/d/n) replies
"you are funny" engie says and rubs (y/d/n) on the head which (he/she) seem to love
a few mintures later you come down into the rec room with face still drawn on and you haven't notice it
"helwo" you say rubbing you eye
everyone looks at you and cute out cause what spy did to your face made you look cute
"oh liebste, come here" medic says and he picks you up and putting you in his spot
medic then grabs a baby wipe from his first aid kit, comes over to you and rubs your face with the baby wipe
"why did you do that for?" you ask medic after he takes the baby wipe away
"your face was dirty so i had to clean it" medic says then shoes you the baby wipe that is covered in different colours "see"
"i don't remember doing that to my face" you say confused
"it must of happened while you were asleep" spy says
"well your clean now" medic says "now go and play with (y/d/n) or something"
"thanks mom" you say
you jump down from medic's chair so medic can sit down and you go over to soldier and (y/d/n)
"how did you get out of my room (y/d/n)" you ask (y/d/n)
"woof" (y/d/n) says
"(he/she) said you left the door open a jar" sniper said
"when could you understand dogs dad" you say laughing and turning to sniper
"since this morning" sniper jokely replies
you just laugh and it made everyone smile
"come along (y/d/n) let teach you more tricks" you say and both you and (y/d/n) head out the rec room
later it was dinner time and you all had bangers and mash that pyro made and (y/d/n) had sausages, after lunch, you head to bed and after changing into your nightie you fall asleep with (y/d/n) next to you and all your merc teddies on the window bottom.

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