Part 45 - Miss Pauling's News

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You wake up one morning on the weekend and head to the kitchen to do your morning routine, when you get to the kitchen with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) you see scout waiting at the kitchen table
"hey scout, auntie pauling coming over?" you says to scout
"yeah she only said to me that she has some new to tell but i have no idea what it is" scout says
"oh ok" you says and you carry on with your routine
after feeding (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) and having your breakfast you leave scout to wait for miss pauling to arrive, when miss pauling does arrive scout lets her in and you see miss pauling
"hello auntie pauling" you say to miss pauling
"hello (y/n)" miss pauling says "you look different"
"really?! i didn't notice" miss pauling says
you look at miss pauling confused and then you shrug it off, you leave miss pauling and scout alone and you head to your room, scout and miss pauling head to the kitchen where it was quiet and they sit down
"scout...i have something to tell you" miss pauling says
"your not retiring are you?" scout says
"no no it's not that" miss pauling says "umm...well i went to the doctor the other day cause i was having pains and sickness and..."
and what?" scout says
"he found out that i'm...pregnant" miss pauling says rubbing her face
scout was shocked but stayed calm
"2 and a 1/2 months in fact and i want to know if...if you look after them with me" miss pauling says
"umm..." scout says "i've never really took care of a baby before"
then you come in the room looking for a snack
"hey again" you say and then when scout sees you he gets an idea
"hey tuts" scout says "how would you feel if you had a baby cousin?"
"umm...i'll love a baby cousin" you says "i guess"
"oh good" scout says sighing
"why you ask?" you say tilting your head
"umm...just a question for the future" scout says "forget i said anything"
"...ok" you says and you leave again with your snack
"ok...i'm up for it" scout says "if (y/n) wants a cousin, i don't mind being the dad"
"oh thank you scout" miss pauling says and kisses scout on the lips
"do you know what gender it is?" scout says
"no but i do know" miss pauling says leaning into scout's ear "that i'm having twins"
"oh cool" scout says "are you going to tell the others?"
"yeah but i won't tell (y/n) straight away" miss pauling says "can you gather everyone in the rec room for me?"
"sure thing...darling" scout says and he bolts off leaving miss pauling alone in the kitchen
when scout gathers everyone they all sat around the table with miss pauling standing on the other end of the table, when she tells the mercs the news they all smiled and laughed happily, they then praised scout and then leave the room, scout felt happy that the mercs reacted positively and medic even said that he'll check the gender of the twins when miss pauling reaches 4 months, scout and miss pauling kiss when all the mercs leave and then miss pauling leave to do her own thing, scout then goes and checks on you and when he reaches your room you were playing imaginary
"oh hey scout" you says seeing scout at the door "what was everyone laughing at earlier?"
"oh umm... miss pauling told a funny joke and it was funny" scout says "but i can't tell you about it since your not old enough to know"
"oh ok" you says and smile
"ok see ya tuts" scout says and he heads to his room
"see you at dinner" you reply and carry on playing
when scout gets to his room he thinks on what it's like to be a father since he never grew up with one then before he knew it it was dinner time and he heads down to the kichen to get his dinner, after dinner you head to bed with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) and fall asleep
(A/N - ok so if you have been reading the comment of when i announced about if i miss pauling to be pregnant or not, you will know what the genders and the names of the babies are going to be but if you haven't then don't spoil it for yourself 😁 but i will see you next part 😋)

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