Part 61 - New Years Eve

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It was a nice morning as you get out of bed and you see (y/d/n) scratching at the door as (he/she) really needed to go outside so you open the door with (y/c/n) following you while (y/d/n) bolted off to the back door, as you were walking down the hallway you bump into someone and then you look up to see it was scout
"oh hey tuts, are you okay?" scout says as he helps you up
"i'm fine" you says as you smile at scout as you were happy to see him
"that's good, oh hey do you know what today is?" scout says and asked to see if you knew
"" you says as you forgot
" is new year's eve!" scout says happily "the day where we bring in the new year" he adds and it jogs your memory
"oh yeah! i completely forgot" you says as you faceplam "does that mean we get to see a firework show later?" you ask curiously
"oh yeah and it's engie, soldier and pyro setting it up in the back garden" scout says as you and him walk into the kitchen
"when are they going to do it?" you asked as you couldn't contain your excitement
"at 8 tonight" scout says as the pair reach the kitchen
scout then opens the doors and you go in to see sniper, medic, soldier, engie, pyro, heavy and demo at the kitchen table with cereal
"hey everyone" you says happily and everyone waves back
"hey...where's spy?" scout asks as he notice the french man wasn't there
"he still asleep" heavy says after swallowing his cereal "he be up soon" he adds then puts a spoon full of cereal in his mouth
"oh okay" you says then go do your morning routine
after you do your morning routine, you with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) go to your room and spend the day doing random things like play with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n), play with your toys, play imaginary and colouring in just to keep your mind off tonight, it was soon 7:45 and everyone was preparing for the firework show
"you ready, sweetheart?" sniper asked you as you were standing next to him
"totally" you reply excited hopping
just then you see engineer and soldier come over to the group and stand next to you
"you ready pyro?" engineer shouts to the fire started who nods in reply "ok! go ahead" he says and then pyro lights the fireworks
the fireworks go off and you thought it was as amazing as the fireworks you saw on independents day but then you grew tired and lucky soldier was looking at you as your eyes were about to fall
"i got you, cupcake" soldier says as he picks you up
you then look at the fireworks again one last time before dropping off to sleep on soldier's shoulder and the fireworks went on without you, when the fireworks ended everyone sighed as it was over then scout looked over to see you asleep on soldier
"look guys, (y/n) is asleep on soldier" scout says quietly and everyone looks over to soldier
"aww, she must of been tired after playing all day" engineer says going over to soldier
"do you want me to take her to bed?" sniper asked
"no! i can take her to bed myself" soldier says stubbornly and he walks off
"i go check if he does" engineer says and he follows soldier
everyone then looks at each other and then realise the time as it was 1am and then they all go off back inside, with soldier and he managed to take you to your room and engineer was just behind him
"ok, i pull the duvet and you place her on the bed" engineer says and he goes over to your bed
he then pull the duvet and he then points to the bed for soldier to place you in, soldier then puts you in bed and engineer tucks you into bed
"good night darlin'," engineer whispers and kisses you on the forehead
"night cupcake" soldier says as engineer goes to the door and he also kisses you on the forehead
then pair then leave and you smile as you get more comfortable on your bed having a happy dream about your family.
(sorry for the really late new year's eve chapter but here it is and sorry for the long hiatus, i thought i was done with this series when i went off tf2 but then when i started to like tf2 again i wanted to carry on with this so expect another chapter soon)

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