Part 35 - Going to the Zoo

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You wake up the next morning to a knock on your door which you haven't had in a long time so you go over and open to see it was pyro and engineer
"hello darling" engie says "pyro here wants to know if you want to go to the zoo today"
"oh i love the zoo" you say happily "sure i love too"
pyro claps his hands in excitements and bolts off to his room
"ok get ready and we'll all meet you downstairs" engie says and leaves
"ok grandma" you say and you get washed and dressed
after getting washed and dressed you head downstairs with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) and have breakfast, after breakfast you head to the front door and sniper, medic, scout, soldier, engie and pyro were already there
"are you ready sweetheart" sniper says
"almost just got to find uncle spy to see if he'll look after (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) for me" you say and then spy appeared
"sure thing lapin" spy says and picks up (y/c/n) and walks away with (y/d/n) following
"where did he come from?" you say confused looking around
"don't worry about that sweetheart, he does that sometimes" sniper says and picks you up "let's go" and all of you head to the truck and van
when you get into sniper's camper van you all set off to the zoo and when you all get there sniper helps you out the van and then pyro runs up to you, he claps his hands then runs ahead picking you up, when you and the others get into the zoo medic tell you to hold his hand and you all head in to see the animals, since you had the ability to understand animal talk you could hear all the animals talking and when you got to an enclosure the animal ran up to you and said hi to you, when you got to the koloa enclosure you look at the koloas and then you can hear the koloas talking when they are asleep
"they are sleep talking" you say surprised
"really what are they saying?" sniper asks
"there talking....about the food that they had today and...what's for dinner later" you say listening in on the koloas
"figures" sniper says and then picks you up
he then puts you on his shoulder so you could see everything and luckily for sniper you weren't that heavy
"can you see better now sweetheart" sniper says
"yeah i can see almost everything" you reply smiling
sniper chuckles and then holds onto medic's hand and they carry on going, when you get to the bald eagles you see soldier talking to them
"right then eagles!" soldier says "i want you to know that i love and respect you in every way"
sniper puts you down and you ran over to soldier
"what you doing granddad?" you ask soldier
"oh hi cupcake, i was just telling the eagles that i love them" soldier replies and he salutes the eagles
"the eagles say that they think your weird but they love you too" you say listening to the eagles
"that's good" soldier says then engineer walks over
"hey soldier boy, there are some raccoon over there if your interested" engie says patting soldier on the shoulder
"raccoons don't worry i'm coming, cupcake your coming with me too" soldier says and he picks you up, puts you on his shoulders and runs over to the raccoons
engie sighs and then sees scout and pyro running over to him
"hey hardhat, you seem (y/n)?" scout says
"yeah she went with soldier to see the raccoons" engie says
"ok cool thanks" scout says and runs with pyro to the raccoons
when you and soldier reach the raccoon you watch the raccoon from soldier's shoulders and then soldier speaks
"right then raccoons, i'm your new leader and i want you to listen to me" soldier says
silence then you speak
"they say that they will listen to you if you have food for them" you say
"well i have some sour cream right here" soldier says and holds up a tub of white cream and the raccoons runs over to the glass
"what's that" you say looking at the tub
"it's...ummm....expired whipped cream...raccoon love the stuff" soldier says kinda lying
"oh ok" you say and soldier puts you down to sort out the raccoons
you then see scout and pyro run up to you
"hey tuts" scout says "wanna come with us?"
"ok" you says and scout picks you up
you, scout and pyro went over to the gray wolf enclosure and all the wolves see you coming and run over to the cage fence to see you
"they seem to like you tuts" scout says
"yeah all the animals here love me" you says smiling
pyro mumbles something then waves at the wolves
"pyro says he loves when the animals come over" scout says for pyro
you smiles then the wolves start talking to you
"the wolves say that they never seen such a nice person like me before" you says "oh thank you wolves"
the wolves wag their tails and make wolf noises in excitement then scout and pyro head off
"well i got to go now wolves but i will visit you later" you say "bye"
the wolves say goodbye as you, scout and pyro set off to the big cat enclosure, with the others engie was looking at soldier with the raccoons and sniper and medic were having some alone time, you scout and pyro made it to the big cats and everytime you went to an enclosure the big cat will come over and rub itself on the glass, you put your hand on the glass and the big cat would rub its head where your hand was
"your very popular" scout says
"yeah you are like a celebrity" pyro mumbles
"what's a celebrity?" you ask
"it where you are super famous and everyone knows you" scout says
"oooo" you say "and you think i'm super famous?"
"with these animals yes you are tuts" scout says and he nuzzles your face
you smile and then the others find you
"here you are, we were wondering where you all were" engie says and he walks over to you "come along now darling, we've found something you might like" and he picks you up, you wave goodbye to the big cats and head out of the big cat enclosures
you, engie and the other end up taking you to a petting zoo where there was rabbits, sheep, goats, chickens, guinea pigs and a turkey, you head in with scout and all the animals come towards you happily, you stroke all of them while the others watched from outside the pen, scout also strokes some of them and he enjoyed it, after a while you left the petting zoo and carried on walking about and after seeing all the animals you all head to the gift shop and everyone bought something, you got a small wolf plushie and a big cat plushie, scout got a rabbit plushie, pyro got a book about animals and pyro let you borrow it, soldier got an eagle plushie, engie got a monkey plush, medic got a dove plushie and sniper got a koloa plush that you can put on your pen or pencil
you all head back to the van and truck and head back to the base, when you get home (y/d/n) was happy to see you
"hello (y/n)" (y/d/n) says "what happened?"
you explain to (y/d/n) what happened and showed (him/her) the wolf plush and the big cat plush, you set the plushies on the floor and (y/d/n) sniffed them, (he/she) then licked them once and then sat down, you pat (him/her) on the head then head to your room to put the plushies in your room, when you get to your room you put the plushies on the desk and then spy comes in with (y/c/n) in his arms
"here is (y/c/n) lapin, both (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) have been really good while you were gone" spy says
"thanks for looking after them uncle spy" you say and hug spy
spy kneels down and hugs you back before sitting up and walking away, you tell (y/c/n) your zoo adventure and show (him/her) you wolf plushie and the big cat plushie, (y/c/n) sniffs them and then walks away
"very nice" (y/c/n) says jumping on your bed "sound like you had fun"
"yeah, i wish you could both come but pets aren't allowed in the zoo" you say
"it's ok, uncle spy took good care of us and he really cuddly" (y/d/n) says
"really, he's a big softie" you say and smirk
"yeah a big softie" (y/c/n) replies
"(Y/N)! DINNER'S READY!" someone shouts (thinking soldier since he's the loudest)
"OK COMING" you reply and you (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) head down to the dinner room
after dinner you head to bed and fall asleep in your bed, in the night you had a dream you were with loads of animals in a boat and you were all happy and having a good time.
(A/N - i want to tell you all a story quick when i was younger don't remember my age, i went to a zoo in kent i think and one of the enclosure had a sand cat, when the sand cat saw me she kept rubbing her face agents the glass and i put my hand on the glass, she loved me doing that and we became best friends. It's also funny i'm a bit of a cat tamer all cats love me and i will go out of my way to give them attention 😋)

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