Part 29 - Fort

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you wake up the next morning, do your usual morning routine and then you were heading to your room when you notice all the boxes that your stuff came in in the hallway, you then had an idea to build a fort out of the boxes and some other things so you head into the living room with the boxes, when you get there you saw nobody was in the living room so you got to work and after a while it was finally built, you head inside the fort with (y/d/n) while (y/c/n) is on the arm of the sofa and you loved it, you then head back out and told (y/d/n) to stay there while you went to get some supplies and you left the room, when you came back you head back in the fort, grab your paper, pencil and colouring pens and start to colour in, a while later scout and pyro come in the living room and were amazed by your fort
"scout and pyro are here" (y/c/n) says to you
"thanks (y/c/n)" you say and come out the fort "helwo"
"yo tuts, did you build this?" scout says "it's pretty cool"
"yep and i did it with some cardboard boxes, pillows, blankets and a chair" you say
pyro claps and then mumbles something
"pyro says can we come in?" scout says for pyro
"sure but i don't know if there is any room" you says
"we can help make it bigger so all of us can fit in it" scout says
"ok then" you say and with the help of scout and pyro you managed to make the fort almost take over the whole living room
you, scout, pyro and (y/d/n) went in the fort and you and pyro coloured in while scout was lying down, chewing gum and throwing his baseball in the air, a few mintues later everyone else came into the living room to watch a movie that engie brought when they see the fort
"this is a big fort" medic says
"yeah" sniper replies
"yo guys, wanna get in our fort" scout says "it's big enough for all of us"
"sure partner" engie says and everyone gets in the fort
when everyone gets in they sit in a circle and engie sets up for the movie, when the movie was set up and ready everyone gathers to watch the screen
"what we watching?" scout asks
"we're watching a tv series called...lassie" engie says
"it is about that collie?" spy says
"yep i chose it for (y/n) and (y/d/n)" engie says "don't worry tho lassie doesn't die in this"
"who's lassie?" you ask
"lassie is an intelligent rough collie" sniper says to you "and she is like the dog version of superman"
"oh ok" you says "let's watch it then"
engie smiles and turns on the movie, after the movie you loved it and you wanted to watch more but the series was over for the year
"don't worry liebest, they will release the next series next year" medic says
"yeah and you'll be able to watch all the episodes next year" sniper says
"yay!" you says "(y/d/n), did you like it?"
"yeah i was just like lassie when i saved you a while back" (y/d/n) says
"you were" you says "your my own version of lassie"
(y/d/n) wags (his/her) tail and (he/she) jumps into your arm, you give (him/her) a hug and everyone awws, then sniper decided to be cheeky and he starts to tickle your feet, you laugh, let go of (y/d/n) and fall on the floor in laughter, then medic joins in by tickling your belly and you laugh even more causing everyone else to laugh, everyone smiles and they all join with the tickling, after a while you were free from the tickling and you lie on the floor all worn out, everyone was laughing and talking about things and you were happy, (y/d/n) licks your face
"are you alright?" (y/d/n) says
"yeah...i've just....been tickled" you says "it"
"that's good" (y/d/n) says
then medic picks you up and puts you on his lap
"i'm so glad we have you in this family liebest" medic says "you are so much fun"
"kids do bring the kid out in people" spy says
medic nuzzles your face and you ended up falling asleep from all the ticking making you tired out, medic stroke your hair and smiles, engie then decides to put on a more adult movie while you were having your nap, (y/d/n) sat on snipers
lap and (y/c/n) comes in the fort and sits on scout's lap
"i think it's funny that she's all tucked out after a tickle" scout says
"well she's only little" sniper says
"oh yeah" scout says "well she's looks cute asleep"
sniper strokes your hair and then puts his hand on your cheek causing you to smile
"i love having her here, she's changed everyone" sniper says
everyone agrees and then start watching the movie, after the movie it was dinner time and medic wakes you up so you can have something to eat before you went off to bed to go to sleep with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) by your side.
(A/N - i want you guy to tell me what your thing are in this story, i will do mine and i want you to write in the comment what you are
(y/n) - Emily
(y/d/n) - Squibbs - Female - Yorkshire terrier
(y/c/n) - Moo - Male - Black cat
Country - UK who has transfer to the town next to the mercs base
put what i've done here in the comment and i would love to know)

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