Part 31 - Picnic Time

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You wake up the the next morning and head downstairs to the the breakfast routine with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n), when you get to the kitchen you see sniper and medic being themselves and you start making (y/d/n), (y/c/n) and your breakfast, after you made your breakfast you sat down and started to eat it when medic says something to you
"hey liebste me, sniper and the other have decided to go on a picnic so after your ready meet us by the front door" medic says
"ok mom" you say
"also bring (y/d/n) lead" sniper says
"ok" you say and carry on eating
after eating your breakfast you go to your room and get washed and dressed, after that you grab (y/d/n)'s lead and put it on (him/her)
"ok (y/c/n) me and (y/d/n) are going out, are you going to be ok on your own?" you ask (y/c/n)
"yeah i'm just going to be doing my normal routine of sleeping so i should be fine" (y/c/n) says
"good we'll see you later" you say and leave with (y/d/n) in tow
when you get to the door you see everyone in their summer clothes and scout was wearing a t shirt with a baseball team on it and some shorts, soldier was in a white t shirt and short that went to his knees, pyro was in his suit but with clothes ontop of the suit, demo was in a t shirt with names of alcohol on it and short that looked like soldiers, heavy was in a hawaiian shirt and shorts, engie was in his shirt and trousers but he wasn't wearing his dungarees, medic was in a hawaiian shirt like heavy's but with his logo all over it and shorts, sniper was in a t shirt with his logo on it and shorts and lastly spy was in his suit still
"why are you in your suit uncle spy?" you asked spy
"cause i don't have any summer clothes" spy replies
"sure you do" scout says "i saw you wearing them last year"
"well i had to throw them away since 'someone' stained them" spy says looking at pyro
pyro shrugged and headed out the door
"what happened?" you asked
"well last summer i was chilling on a decchair" spy says "then pyro thought it would be a good idea to pour petrol on me so then i had to throw the clothes away"
"naughty pyro" you say
"yes he was a very bad pyro that day" spy says
"aren't you going to be hot in that" you say
"...maybe but i can just take off my jacket if i get to hot" spy says
"ok" you say and you with spy and (y/d/n) head to the car
when you get to sniper's camper van you get in with (y/d/n) while sniper and medic are checking if they have the things they packed in the back of the camper van, after they did that they get in the camper van and follow engie's van in front till they got to a big field where you can see everything, when sniper helps you out the camper van you put (y/d/n) on the ground and take (his/her) lead off, (y/d/n) bolts off and runs around the field, you watch (him/her) and smile on how much fun (he/she) is having
"you can sit down now sweetheart" sniper says as the picnic blanket was set down
"ok dad" you reply snapping out of your trance on (y/d/n) and sitting down on the blanket next to sniper and medic
medic hands you your favourite drink and you start drinking it while watching (y/d/n), everyone was having a fun time, scout was playing catch with heavy with (y/d/n) trying to catch the ball and when (he/she) does catch the ball (he/she) will pass it back to scout again, soldier and engineer were chatting on a picnic blanket next to yours, pyro was on some hard dirt watching his campfire he made, demo was in the back of engie's van drunk again, sniper was lying down watching the sky, medic was keeping an eye on everyone while reading a book and spy was chilling on the grass, everyone looked like they were having a good time and this made you happy to see, you then lie down on the blanket and watch the clouds like sniper was doing, sniper notices and start playing the cloud game with you
"that one looks like a horse" you say
"yeah it does" sniper says realising "and that one looks like a rabbit"
"oh yeah" you say smiling
you and sniper carry on doing this till you fell asleep from the sun making you sleepy and you fell asleep on sniper's tummy, sniper smiled, stroked your hair and carried on watching the sky, (y/d/n) came up a while later and went to sleep on medic lap as he was reading his book, he didn't mind it and went back to reading his book, a couple of minutes later sniper was looking in the sky when his tummy growled and he was hungry, he sees his sandwich on medic plate and he grabs it without moving much, he ate his sandwich, then he put his hat over his face and had a nap, a bit later everyone was sitting down and watching the clouds except scout who was running around, engie was building something and he manages to finish it
"there all done" engie says
"what is it?" soldier asks
"i'll show you" engie says and puts the thing on the grass "hey (y/d/n)"
(y/d/n) hears engie call and runs over, engie then takes out a tennis ball from his pocket, teases (y/d/n) with it and then sticks a tennis ball in the machine, the machine makes a noise and the tennis ball slings out the machine, (y/d/n) goes after the ball and manages to catch it
"it's a tennis ball sling shot for (y/d/n)" engie says as (y/d/n) returns with the tennis ball in (his/her) mouth
engie then takes the tennis ball out of (y/d/n)'s mouth and sticks the ball back into the machine, the machine slings the tennis ball again and (y/d/n) goes after it
"(he/she) is going to be doing this for hours" engie says and chuckles
"what's that hard hat?" scout asks walking over
"it's a tennis ball sling shot for (y/d/n)" engie says and (y/d/n) came back again "watch this"
engie takes the tennis ball out of (y/d/n)'a mouth again and sticks it in the machine, the ball flies out the machine and
(y/d/n) goes after it
"wow" scout says "this is so cool engie"
scout, soldier and engie watch as (y/d/n) chase the tennis ball up and down the field having a great time then after a bit (y/d/n) hears something, it sound like a cry for help so (y/d/n) drops the tennis ball and bolts off to where the cry was
"where (he/she) going?" engie says
"i'll go after (him/her)" scout says and runs after (y/d/n)
(y/d/n) ran till (he/she) reached a sheep looking down a cliff
"what's the matter" (y/d/n) asked the sheep
"my baby stuck down the cliff" the sheep replies
(y/d/n) looks down the cliff and sees a lamb on a ledge, (he/she) goes down the cliff and manages to get to the lamb
"i'm here to rescue you" (y/d/n) says to the lamb
then scout comes over and sees (y/d/n) down the cliff, he then gets to (y/d/n) and the lamb and helps both the lamb and (y/d/n) back up the cliff
"there you are" scout says after helping the lamb and (y/d/n) on the ledge and then getting himself back up
"thank you dog and human" the sheep says and runs off with the lamb "i won't forget what you did"
scout then picks up (y/d/n) and rubs (him/her) on the head
"you are just like your owner" scout says
(y/d/n) barks happily and scout walks back with (y/d/n) in his arms, when scout gets back he puts (y/d/n) on the ground and goes over to engie
"what happened?" soldier says
"(y/d/n) here heard a sheep crying for help since her lamb fell off the cliff" scout says "thank god i went"
"who's a good (boy/girl)" engie says to (y/d/n)
(y/d/n) barks happily and wags (his/her) tail, (y/d/n) then went back to medic and sat on his lap
"(y/d/n) is just like (his/her) owner" engie says
"that's what i said" scout replies
scout, soldier and engie laugh and went back to what they were doing, when (y/d/n) gets back to medic (he/she) is a little dirty and medic saw this
"looks like someone had a good time" medic says to (y/d/n) and strokes (him/her)
(y/d/n) wags (his/her) tail and medic then start cleaning (him/her) down till all the dirt was gone
"there all clean" medic says after (y/d/n) was all cleaned up
(y/d/n) was happy and (he/she) went to sleep, after a while it was time to head back to the base to have dinner and when everyone got back to the base, (y/d/n) had explained to you what happened on the drive back to the base and you were happy that (y/d/n) is just like you, after you had dinner you went to bed and you fell to sleep with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) at the bottom of the bed.
(A/N - i love doing this series and i love the fact this is the most popular out of all my fanfics i've done on here 😋 thanks for sticking around and they will be more soon 😄 just got to think on what to do for the next episode 🤔)

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