Meet My Characters

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[Meet Hope Peter Madden]

Ranger Color:

Ranger Position:
Core Member (Core Member: A member that started from the beginning)

Roll Call:

Stegosaurus Dinozord

Love Interest:
Jason Lee Scott

Short Blonde Hair
Hazel Eyes
Wears anything Beige

Hope Madden, friends with Jason, Zack, Billy, Trini and Kimberly. He's still trying to think what to do about his future. He has a hobby for Gymnastics, but doesn't want to make it his career. Although, Hope was having trouble thinking about the future, he also have another problem. Jason Lee Scott, his crush ever since the two of them meet each other.


[Meet Xeno]


Love Interest:
Christ Madden

Short Dark Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
Usually wears a Suit

Xeno, or well-known to the Rangers as Mr. Xeno is a teacher in Angel Grove High School. Xeno is an old friend of Zordon, but he is keeping his real identity away from Zordon and Alpha 5. Not risking having his identity known, he stays watches mostly from afar at the Rangers saving the Earth. One thing in all of Xeno's life he didn't expect, was to fall for one of the Ranger's father.

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