Bonus Chapter: Rexy and Steggy

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[3rd Person]

It was now nigh time, after Tommy officially joined the Rangers.

In the Madden Residence, it is the home of Hope Peter Madden, and his adoptive father, Chris Madden. It is a two story house.

In the second floor, is where Hope's bedroom is. And inside Hope seems to be having some trouble, as he wasn't asleep. The only source of light, was the lamp next to his bed.

"Man, today has been a long day." Hope said, sitting on the edge of his bed. He was talking to his plushies.

He was wearing a white tank top, and beige shorts. He also had his black lather jacket on his lap, the leather jacket from back when he was "Punk Hope".

Both the Stegosaurus one, which he named "Steggy".
And the Tyrannosaurus one which was gifted to him by Jason, at the fair after they fought Pineoctopus, which he named, "Rexy".

"I wonder how the person feels when they got that ring." Hope said, his mind kept wondering towards the ring, as he couldn't get his mind off it. "I'm sure whoever got it, will be very happy. Right?" He asked, looking at both Rexy and Steggy.

Rexy fell from standing up, and flops onto Steggy.

Hope blinked for a few times. He sighed audibly. "I'm officially going crazy, I'm talking to my plushies." He said to himself.

Suddenly there was a knock on his window. Hope jumped at the sound. He looks at his window. "Hello?" He asked, and got no response. "Anybody there?" He tried again, and still got nothing. "I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" He asked looking at Rexy and Steggy, who gave no response.

Hope stood up from where he was sitting, and went towards the window, opening the lock, and lifting it up. He looks out the window, and saw nothing. "That's weird." He said, and went back into the room.

Unknown to Hope, a figure jumps through the window. The figure quietly shuts the window back down, and quietly walk towards Hope, standing behind the blonde male, who was facing his door. "Surprise." The figure said, from behind his ear.

Hope startled, he swung his arm behind him, which the figure caught. But He was able to use his feet, and make the figure fall behind, and onto his bed. He pins the figure down onto his bed, and saw who it was, as the light from the lamp reveals the person. "Jason?" He said, surprised to see his bestfriend, and crush.

"Hey, Hope." Jason greeted, seemingly not minding being pinned down onto Hope's bed.

After a while, Hope notices what position they're in, and stood up, backing away a bit. He coughed a few times, and tries to hide hid blush. "What are you doing?" He asked, looking at his bestfriend. "And why did you have to sneak in through my window?" He asked.

Jason got up, and was now sitting on the edge of the bed. "I sneak in through the window, cause I'm not sure if anyone's up, and I don't want to bother Mr. Madden." He said.

Jason was wearing a denim jacket, red shirt, and brown pants.

"And so, you went and bother me?" Hope asked, raising any eyebrow.

Jason chuckled. "Something like that." He said, looking at his bestfriend. "And the reason why I came here," He started, standing up from the bed, and stood in front of Hope. "I came to give you your Birthday present early." He told him, pulling out a small box, smiling.

"Birthday present?" Hope questioned, a bit confused. "Jace, my Birthday's tomorrow." He told him.

"Yeah, and judging by the time, it is your Birthday." Jason said.

Hope turns and look at the clock on his desk, the time was now ten minutes after midnight. Which means, it is indeed the day of Hope's Birthday. He hummed. "So it seems." He said, looking back at Jason.

Jason laughed a bit. "Happy Birthday." He said, handing the present to Hope.

"Thanks." Hope said, he pulls the string of the ribbon, and slowly opened the present. Once he fully opened it, his eyes widened in shock at what he saw inside. It was the butterfly ring, that he saw at the thrift shop, before it was bought. And now, Hope knows exactly who bought it, it was Jason. He looks at Jason, shocked and mouth agape. "You bought it?" He asked.

"Yeah." Jason said, nodding.

"But why?" Hope asked, he knew there were reasons why Jason bought the ring, but he wanted to know the true reason why. Was it to buy it for him, just as friends? Was it to buy it, juts so he could have it. Or the one possibility, that Hope wasn't sure would ever happen: Jason feels the same way about him, like he feels for Jason.

Jason took a deep breathe, before continuing. "Hope, I don't know how to say this, but I'm just going to do it." He said. "Hope, I have had a crush on you, ever since I met you at the park when we were little. The day we met, I felt something, it was like a spark, a connection that binds us together." He grabs the ring out of the box with his fingers on his right hand, and puts the box away. "I never really understood these feelings when I was little, but in middle school I realized, and that's all I could think about ever since." He held Hope's right hand, with his left hand. He puts the ring onto Hope's ring finger and gently held his hand. "I don't know, if you feel the same way, and I'm not sure if you never did, or ever will, but I just want you to know that no matter what you say I-" He stopped, when Hope says his name.

"Jason." Hope softly said, putting his left hand onto Jason's right cheek. "I love you too." He said, leaning towards Jason, and kissed him. Jason immediately kissed back, he lets go of Hope's hand, and holds Hope's waist with both of his hands.

Both Jason and Hope kept kissing, and soon they're making out with each other. A lot of emotion runs through them, as they make out, love, longing, excitement, and lust.

The both of them, at one point almost stumbles onto the bed. The both of them kept making out. Hope helped Jason pulled his jacket off. Jason sat at the edge of the bed, his hands on Hope's hips. While Hope straddles his lap, and his arm wraps around Jason's neck.

"Hope, are you sure about this?" Jason said, pulling away for a bit, looking at his lover.

"I do, Jason." Hope said, panting a bit. "I want this. Do you?" He asked, looking into Jason's eyes.

Both Jason and Hope's eyes sparkled.

"I do." Jason said, and he captures Hope's mouth with his, and went into a heated make out, again.

Outside of the Madden Residence, what little light left that was soon through Hope's window, was off as the lamp was turn off.

The day marks the start of a beautiful relationship between Jason and Hope.
The Red Ranger and Gold Ranger.

A/N: Finally! They're together!

Also, what do you guys think about this chapter? Hope you liked it.

For anyone who wanted to see the spicy stuff, I'll one day write that in the book "Lemonade", along with some other ones for example: "Cherry Blossoms".

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