Chapter Ten: Happy Birthday, Zack

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[Hope Peter Madden]

Jason and I brought some paint to the Youth Center. The both of us saw Billy working on his Cake-O-Matic.

"Problems?" Jason asked. "What's wrong?" I asked. "The Cake-O-Matic that Billy built for Zack's surprise party, it went on a whole path. It nearly drowned me in cake mix." Ernie told us. Kim silently laughed.

"Hey, listen Ernie. I wanted to thank you for keeping the place open late tonight." Jason said. "So, we could decorate for Zack's birthday party." He said. "Yeah, it was really kind of you." I said. "Boy, is he gonna be surprised." Ernie said, he came back towards the counter. "And speaking of surprises, you guys will never guess what I found out about the Power Rangers." He said.

"The, uh, Power, who?" Billy asked, feigning confusion. "You know, the superheroes with the large dinosaurs?" Ernie said. "The ones with the colored costumes." Jason said. "And totally awesome weapons." I said. "That's them." Ernie confirmed. "You know they'll do for Angel Grove, what Batman has done for Gotham City." He said.

"I think I've seen them on TV." Jason said. "What have you heard?" He asked Ernie. "I've heard they're regular humans, just like you and me." Ernie said, he walked away for a bit. "Well, you know. I heard that they were space aliens, from a distant planet." Jason said. Ernie turns around. I stifle my laughter. "Aliens?" Ernie asked. "But, you know. We should keep this space aliens under our hats. I mean, we wouldn't want to panic anybody." Jason said.

Ernie shook his head. "Aliens? Whoa, this is big." He said, and walks away. Jason and Billy tried to contain their laughter. Kim and I shook our heads. I playfully nudged Jason's arm. Jason chuckled, he held my arm and pulls me away with him.

Bulk and Skull came in.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the nerd patrol from Angel Grove High." Bulk said. "Uh, this place is closed fellas." Billy told them. "Yeah, to nerds like you." Bulk said, he grabs Billy and lifted him onto the counter.

"What the heck?" I thought, very confused.

"Hey Bulky, look at what we have here." Skull said, holding the banner. Trini tries to grab it from him, but failed. "Whoops. A birthday party, aw." He said. "Yeah, we would have invited you, but animals aren't allowed." Kim said. "Especially big and stinky ones." I said, standing next to Kim.

Bulk grabbed the banner and sneezed into it. "Party's over kids." He said. "Hey! I worked a long time on that!" Trini stated. "Hey, tell you what babe." Skull said, grabbing Trini's shoulders. Kim and I were looking at Skull in disbelief, at what he was doing.

"What do you say, I'll help you paint another one. After we, uh, have a little, fun." Skull said. He walked backwards, and fell on the table full of paints. Kim and I laughed. Bulk mocked our laugh, he squeeze the air out of one of Kim's balloons. "Oh, he did not just do that." I said.

"Someone ought to let the air out of you." Jason told Bulk, leaning against a metal pole. I raised my foot a bit, in front of Bulk. Bulk tried to rush towards Jason, he trips a bit from my foot, Jason got out of the way, and Bulk hits the metal pole. He walks dizzily, and crashed into the box of balloons.

"My balloons." Kim exclaimed. "Oh man, we gotta start again." I said. Skull stood back up, he tried to rush towards Jason, Jason got out of the way, and Skull hits another metal pole. Billy laughed a bit. Skull tried to rush him, but Billy got out of the way and opened the Cake-O-Matic, Skull crashed into the cake mix.

"I hate party crashers." Kim said, looking at me and Trini. Trini and I laughed.


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