Chapter Twelve: Power Rangers Punk

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[Hope Peter Madden]

The six of us were outside. Jason, Billy, Zack and Billy were playing volleyball, while Kim and I prepare drinks for everyone. Jason and Trini were a team, while Billy and Zack were a team.

I was wearing a white shirt and black shorts.

Kim and I brought the drinks towards the table. "Wow, Billy you're getting really good." Kim said. "Yeah." I said, agreeing with Kim.

"Nice try." Zack told Billy. "Thank." Billy thanked him. "Hey! We have some drinks over here!" Kim said. "Great." Billy said, he stood up. "Boy, those drinks looks good." He said, coming over. "Your turn." He told Kim. "Yeah." Kim said, she joins Zack. "Let's go!" She told the others, and they begin playing.

"Good luck, everyone!" I shouted. I grabbed a cup, and drank it.

Everyone were still playing volleyball. And soon, it ended.

Suddenly Putty Patrols appeared. Billy and I went in, and the six of us begin fighting them.

At one point I was knocked back, but Jason caught me. The Putty Patrols left. We regrouped, and went to rest for a bit.

"That was a close one." Zack said. "So much for the game, I guess." He said. "What next?" Trini asked. "No idea." I said.

Billy, Kim and I went to grab a drink.

The three of us sat at the bench. "Wow, I am really thirsty." Kim said. "Me too." I said. "Well, here." Billy said, holding up two cups. Kim and I grabbed the cups from Billy. "Thanks." We thanked him.

"Bottoms up." Billy said. The three of us clinked our cups together, and we drank our drinks.

[Punk Hope]

The three of us made a sound in disgust. We knocked the drinks off, and threw our cups away.

Mr. Red, Black Shirt and Yellow Girl came towards us.

"Hey, you okay?" Black Shirt asked. "What happened?" Mr. Red asked.

"Get out of my face!" Kimmy Queen snarled. "Yeah, get out of her face!" Billy King snarled. "Don't worry." I said, looking at hunky Mr. Red. "But you can get more of my face though, Big Boy." I said, seductively.

Mr. Red's face blushes a bit, he shook it off. "What's wrong you? Did something happen?" He asked. "Nothing." Billy King said, hitting Mr. Red's shoulder. "What's wrong with you?" He questioned. Mr. Red held his hands up.

"Guys, guys, guys, how about another game of volleyball, huh?" Yellow Girl asked. "No!" Kimmy Queen said. "Volleyball is for dorks!" She said. "Yeah! You guys are dorks!" Billy King said to the others.

"Come on, let's kick it." Billy King told me and Kimmy Queen. Kimmy Queen laughed. "Ta-ta, Big Boy." I told Mr. Red, waving my hand a bit, and winking at him. The three of us left.


Billy, Kim and I were in Angel Grove High. We're in our new outfits. I had a cherry flavored lollipop in my mouth.

I was wearing a white shirt, black leather jacket, and blue jeans. Black leather fingerless gloves, and brown neckerchief.

The three of us walked down the stairs, and saw a nerd. "Hey!" Billy King yelled. The nerd saw us. Billy King and Kimmy Queen went down and push him around, while I stood at the side watching them.

"Would you look at that." Farkas said to Eugene, looking at us.

"All right, that's enough." I said, and they stopped pushing the nerd around. "Now. Tell us where your lunch money is!" I said to the nerd. "Where's your lunch money, kid!!" Billy King demanded. "Yeah, give it up!" Kimmy Queen demanded.

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