Chapter 32

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ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 32

꧁𝕋𝕒𝕒𝕣𝕒'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍꧂

It was the next day. I was exhausted  that night but only managed to get a few hours of sleep. I ended up being awake about two hours before my usual time. I was still lying on the bed, the thick blanket weighing on my physically fine yet emotionally exhausted form. There was a lot going on my mind but my decision being the most important one.

I lazily moved the blanket from my body and sat up. I turned my head to see Rohan sound asleep with a lovely smile grazing his cherry lips, I'll miss them.

I took lazy steps to the walk in wardrobe. I fished some simple clothes, a yellow baggy sweater and a pair of formal jeans. With the towel on one of my shoulders I trudged into the washroom and shut the door. I turned to my reflection on the washroom mirror, gawking at the miserableness of my face. My eye bags were more evident than ever because of how much swollen they were after all the crying. My collar bones, cheek bones etc sticking out more than usual reminding me of the fact that I had just recovered from a fever during my stay at my mother's.

The only thing that wasn't pitiful about me was the determination swimming in my teary eyes. There was sorrow, sadness, grief of parting but on a closer look I saw the determination beneath the layers of the depressing emotions I had been feeling since a week atleast. I got into the shower, freshened up ready to implement my decision.

I packed a bag with some of my clothes and other necessities considering I would be gone for sometime now. I got hold of my phone and called Mom, my mother-in-law.

"Hello? Mom?" I said through the phone.

"Taara? So early? Did something happen?" Mom voiced out her worry.

"Something happened..... As you know we had a bit of a rough phase in our relationship last week...." I started.

"Yeah I remember...." Mom said hesitant about where this conversation is going.

"And you told me to try talking Rohan into a therapy but I objected and persuaded you to believe that I am enough for him...." I sniffled.

"I realize I was wrong, I can be a mental support but I can never give him what a professional therapy could. I always tried to justify myself that Rohan doesn't like a therapy or a professional help so I shouldn't go against him, that would make him upset. But, but now while trying to make him happy, have a happy life I have hurted him more than anyone." I was crying silently. I ran out of the room, I didn't want to disturb Rohan's much needed sleep.

"Taara.... None of this is your fault." Mom tried to console me.

"It is! Ignoring someone's pain or discomfort is as similar as inflicting pain on them directly. Whenever Rohan told me he doesn't need a doctor, instead I am his cure I felt proud to play the hero, I ignored the seriousness of what he had been going through. I should have been more persistent about getting a help for him, for us. I realise simply being in love is not everything that you need in a relationship, you will have to trust each other but I broke his trust." I said crying badly.

"Taara...." I could feel mom was worried on the other side of the call. Infact worried would just be an understatement.

"No mom, he trusted me with his health but I couldn't make him better. When I realized I can't completely cure anything on my own I should have accepted it and seeked help from someone well versed about our situation but I always decided against it. I feel bad but now." I wiped my tears with my sweater paws.

"What have you decided?" Mom asked worried.

"I have decided to leave Rohan, I will not return back until he agrees to see a doctor." I said determined.

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