Imagine: Crush

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~Y/n's POV~

You were in the car with c/n, on your way to a date. He had finally asked you after about a year of liking each other in friendship.

You didn't know where he was taking you, so you just sit back and enjoy the music and calmness of the drive.

You're looking out the window when you feel something warm on your leg, above your knee. You look down and see his hand wrapped around your thigh, his thumb rubbing back and forth in a comfortable motion. Though it doesn't seem like you're comfortable because your breathing visually picks up.

He then turns his head to you with a light smile. You have a slight glare because he's making you nervous and he knows he makes you nervous, that's why he's doing this in the first place.

"Relax." His deep voice spoke through a smirk. You wanted to wipe that smirk off his face.

"I am relaxed." You say.

"Mhm, I bet you are." He's now looking back at the road. A little light bulb lit above your head as you got an idea. You smirk, and place your hand on his thigh. He gives you a side glare and clenches his jaw, then looks back at the road. "What are you doing, y/n?"

"Nothing. I'm not doing anything." As you start massaging his thigh, he furrows his brows, tightening his grip on the wheel.

"I'm driving."

"So?" You push, massaging lighter than before. He gasps inaudibly but you caught it.

"Stop it." He whispered. "We're not gonna make it to the date."

You lean over the center counsel and whisper in his ear, "That's what I want." Within seconds, the car is pulled over near the woods, trees hovering over.

C/n pushes back his seat and you start getting nervous again because you've never done anything like this before, let alone in a car.

He pats his lap and you begin climbing over the center, onto him with his hands on your hips helping you. You straddle him, using the open space for your legs and try to push upward to get comfortable but he was holding you down with strength that stilled you. You pout at him, making him chuckle.

"You know, just because you tease me doesn't mean you're gonna get what you want." He said in a somewhat suggestive tone. "And I know what you want." He says sitting up a little. He gets closer to your face, moving your hair to one side of your shoulder. He brings you down to kiss him, and you close your eyes, bracing yourself for the moment you've waited for for the last year and a half. But just when you think your lips are gonna touch, you feel his on your jaw.

You gasp, grabbing his shoulders to stop you from falling onto his chest. He pulls away with a grin, looking into your eyes. He leans in once more to where your noses are in contact, and you don't waste time to attach your lips. You kiss him hard, moving your hands to the sides of his neck. He does the same to you, deepening the kiss.

Before things got too heated, he pulled away, leaving you wanting more. "Hey, hey." He catches your attention, shooting your eyes open. "I respect you. A lot. And it's our first date. I don't wanna do anything that you're not ready for, y/n. And even if you are ready, I'd want us to be official before that base. Okay?"

He had such sincerity and gentleness in his eyes. You were still in cloud 9 from what just happened so you just nod your head. He leans up, kissing you lightly, then kisses your shoulder. He helps you over the center counsel and you buckle up.

He sighs before turning his head, rested against the seat's headrest. His eyes are twinkling and he's smiling.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" You say looking away from him. He chuckles lightly looking forward. "This is the date. We're going through a drive thru and parking at a beach to watch the sunset." He bites his lip to contain excitement and your jaw drops slightly.

"Really?" Your mouth widens into a smile when he nods. You throw yourself into his arms and kiss him on the head, then on the lips again.

"You're the best, c/n." You gushed.

He hugs you, kissing your temple. "Likewise."


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