Imagine: Brother'sBest Friend [Part 2]

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I was confused why a stranger, tall, and gorgeous had knocked on my door to introduce himself to give me his number. I mean, I'm not complaining.

I assumed he's my brother's friend, obviously because he's the only other person who lives in the house.

I decided to just text him tonight just so I could have his number saved. I'm still in surprise that this guy just randomly came to my door and I didn't even know who he was. Yet he just knocks and gives me his number.

After a minute or 2 of me sitting, pondering what was happening, I got a notification. It was from H/n.

"You're quick with it, arent u?" It read. I chuckle breathily and lay on my bed. I turn to lay on my stomach and begin to subconsciously kick my feet.

"What about it?" Was my response.

What does he want from me?

"Nothing, I was just expecting you to at least wait a couple minutes🤷‍♂️"
"How could you expect something from me when you dont even know me?"

"Fair enough" I didn't respond to the last message, I did however, heart it. It was around 11, and about time for me to go to bed. I put my phone on the charger and turn down my LEDs to the lowest setting. Off.                   


Maybe about an hour into my partial slumber, I heard my phone receive a notification. I wasn't even asleep yet, my eyes were in the resting stage. I lean over and check my phone screen to see who the text was from.


I'm a bit surprised that he's texting me randomly at midnight so I can't help but open the message now.

"There's absolutely no way you're asleep"

I make a confused face even though he couldn't see.

"And what if I was?" I send.

"I'm sleeping over yk"


"I can't sleep"

"What do you want me to do about that?"

"Meet in the kitchen?"

I give that message a thumbs up and put down my phone. My door creaks open and I cringe at how loud it is. I speed walk to the steps and take it slow when descending. I turn on the lights and take a deep breath.

I hear footsteps upstairs and smile to myself, knowing it was him. I open the fridge, in search for something to quench my thirst. I just brushed my teeth so I decide on Apple Juice.

We have long bottles of singles, which I'm grateful for. I snag one, then just as I'm about to head to the pantry to grab a snack, I notice h/n leaning on the counter with his arms resting on the surface. I slightly gasp. My heart quite literally dropped to my toes.

"Don't do that!" I whisper yell. He just smiles and pushes off, beginning to stride toward me.

"Sorry." He chuckles. "I didn't mean to."

I shake my head and walk to the snack closet. There's lots of options, and I can never choose. "What snack should I eat?"

There's a moment of silence until I turn my head. "You want the honest answer?" I glare at him, aware of how red I'm probably getting.

"You're not funny." I bluntly state.

"Wasn't trying to be."

"Okay, can you just tell me what you want? First you knock on my door, as a stranger which, by the way, is a tad bit creepy, give me your number-"

"Which you put to use pretty quickly." He inserted.

"Then you say you can't sleep, as if I have anything to do with that, invite me down here and all to what. Taunt me? Why don't you kill me while you're at it!"

I didn't know why I was so pressed. He technically hasn't done anything wrong, but the fact that he sits there with a smile while taunting me makes me feel small.

I don't like feeling small.

"You are wrong about one thing." He says stepping closer.

"And what is that?" I cross my arms.

"That you have nothing to do with me being unable to sleep."

My heart beats faster and I can feel my attitude fading. "You don't even know me."

"No," he says, caging me against the counter. "But I do know one that you're the most stunning person-" he practically cuts himself off by lifting me from my underarms onto the counter as I gasp.

"-that I have ever laid my eyes on." He's smirking, looking me in the eye with a slight glisten.

Pretty eyes.

"And though I don't 'know you', I'd love to get to." He swipes his thumb over my chin in a quick movement. His grin didn't falter. Mine began to grow, as I felt intense butterflies in my stomach. I look away from him and scoff lightly.

"Okay." I say quietly. His smirk turned into a genuine, excited smile. "Great. Well, you're right here right now, tell me what I should know."

You spent about half an hour talking about your favorite everything and speaking about why you love and hate certain things. He didn't reciprocate, though you didn't feel he needed to. You've heard a lot about him from your brother, that you may know him just as much as he does.

"Is that all?" He tilts his head, the twinkle in his eye never leaving.

"Do you want it to be?" I ask, a little self-conscious. I talk a lot, and most people get annoyed by my passion towards anything and everything. I've grown to be quiet unless spoken to first.

"Not really, but I should probably get back before your brother notices I'm missing from the guest room. And that you're missing from yours."

I sigh, a little sad I didn't get to hear much from him. I nod my head and lift up my arms, gesturing to have him lift me. He does so effortlessly. I giggle a little and when he sets me down, he leans in, kissing me on the forehead.

"Will you go out with me?" He whispers in my ear. I get chills from the close proximity, turning my head away from him.

"Will my brother approve?" He just shrugs like it's nothing. "So what if he doesn't?" I stiffen and glare at him, harder than before.

"Don't you care?"

"If I fall in love with you, why should I care about what your brother thinks if I'll be with you?" He deadpanned. I'm gagged and he chuckles stiffly.

"Exactly." He kisses me once more on my cheek and turns to head upstairs. I just stand there in awe, pondering whatever just happened.

"Think about your answer and we'll talk in the morning." He said from a distance.

Obviously my answer is gonna be yes.

There will be a part 3.

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