Imagine: Boyfriend

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You and bf/n decided to bake cookies and watch Christmas movies. Only one slight problem. You got into an argument.

It's not even anything big, you're just pissed at him because he's been on his game a lot recently. You feel like he doesn't give you enough attention and when you expressed this to him, he only ignores you even more.

You go the whole day without texting him, assuming he'd probably forget about the cookies and your plans. You get out the recipe and ingredients and preheat the oven.

10 minutes later, you're rolling out the dough and hear the front door open. You whip your head around to see him walking inside with flowers in flannel pajama pants with a tight white tee.

He should not be looking this good.

Once he realizes what you're doing, he frowns.
"Baby, what are you doing? We were supposed to do this together."

You just ignore him and continue to roll out the dough into cute Christmas shapes. "Ah." You hear him say. He walks over from behind you and grabs the cookie cutter out of your hand. "You're mad at me."

You continue to ignore him and turn to walk away but he grabs your waist before you can leave. "Hey, don't walk out on me, okay?" He says softly. "We don't walk away angry."

"I'm just tired of not feeling important to you! I just want us to spend time together. You're making me mad when you're more focused on the game than your own girlfriend."

"You're jealous of my PS5?" He laughs. You roll your eyes.

"Whatever, forget I said anything." You turn to walk away again, not making it even a step further. He lifts you and sits you on the counter.

"Baby..." he awaits for you to look at him. "You are the most important person to me. Always. I love you so much and I don't ever want you to feel like I care more about anything more than you."

Your heart drops to your ass.

"You-" you pause mid sentence and tilt your head, grinning. "You love me?"

"You should know that by now." He quickly swipes his finger underneath your chin.

After a moment of silence, you tilt up your head to kiss him lightly.

He's really tall.

"I'm in love with you." You admit.

"Yeah?" He teases. You nod your head and lean in for another kiss where he swerves to your neck and kisses it. He lifts you off the counter and sits you back on your feet.

"Wanna continue these cookies?" He has a certain emotion in his eye that you can't fathom. You look at the dough then look at him. "Ah." He says again through a smirk.

"I mean, we can finish-" you begin.

"Oh no, no, I mean if that's what you really want-"

"No, but we always have after-"

"But can you wait though?"

You both just stare at each other then lifts you again leading to the couch.

"Good choice." He whispers.

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