Imagine: FWB

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"I'm just saying, I don't think 'friends' do half the shit we do together." H/n says on the other line of the call. You've been discussing what you 2 were. You've always just labeled it as "friends with benefits" whenever anyone asked but with him, it was hard. He seems to want more?

"Well, we have benefits. That's the whole point." You suggest.

"Right..." he sounded as if he didn't believe you. What's there not to believe? You're telling the truth. Maybe not the full truth.

"Okay, so I'm going to come over in a little bit so we can have this conversation in person." He confirms. This sends you into a slight panic. You're not prepared to see him. "What? I think we were doing quite fine over the phone."

"Yeah, well I don't. See you in a little, doll." And just like that, the call ended. You jump out of bed and run into the bathroom to fix your makeup, brush your hair, and rummage through your closet to find something hotter. 'Friends with Benefits' doesn't mean you can't look your best for him. After about 25 minutes, you hear the door open.

He just walked in. Of course he just walked in.

"Y/n!" H/n sings, dragging the last letter. You take a deep breath and walk down the stairs, more nonchalant than you were 2 minutes ago. Though, all the nonchalance goes to waste after your reaction, seeing what he was wearing.

Pajama pants and a black T-shirt. He has a gold chain around his neck and his earrings are blinging in the light of the living room. He looks way too good right now.

Your jaw drops, practically to the floor, and he notices before you can pick it up. "What's with that look you just gave me?" He asks walking into your direction slowly.

"Uh," you try to think of something. Anything. "I just remembered that my bathroom light is on upstairs. Let me go turn that off really quick."

You attempted to make a run for it, but he was already too close to let you go. "Ah, ah, ah." He puts his hands on your shoulders and keeps you from taking a step further. Your back is facing him, mostly because you're afraid you won't be able to contain yourself if you look at him.

He slowly lets his hands fall off your shoulders and you relax from how tense you were. "Look at me." He says comically. You still can't bring yourself to do so. "Look at me." He says more firmly. At this point, you don't care anymore. You slowly turn with your eyes closed, opening them once you're facing him. Without holding back, you check him out, head to toe. Might as well let him know how hot he looks.

You hear him chuckle slightly and you look up at him through your pretty, doe eyes. He's tall. Like really tall. Your neck is hurting from craning your neck looking at him.

He puts his hand on the side of your neck, delicately, almost feeling like a feather brushing your face. You relish in the softness he gives you. He checks you out identical to the way you did him, except much slower, and falling over the more outgoing parts of the outfit.

He leans in close, nose to nose, but no lip contact. "You look good."

You keep eye contact. "Just good?" You tease. "No, but I'm afraid you won't like what I have to say." He whispers against your skin.

You would love to know what he has to say.

"Well, you look hot as hell, and I'm not gonna sugarcoat it because it's the truth." You say boldly. He seems shocked, but a second later he's got a different look in his eyes.


He contemplates the next thing he says for a moment then his "fuck it" moment was evident. "I like you. You know that right?"

Your heart stops. It was supposed to be Friends with Benefits.

It looks like you've both fallen for each other and aren't getting up anytime soon.


"Shh. You don't have to say anything, just kiss me." He says. And you do. You kiss each other as if it's your last kiss ever. He lifts you onto his waist and carries you to the bedroom upstairs.

"That was perfect." You admit.

"Yeah?" He says looking down on you, laying on his chest. "Wanna go again?"

"Um, wait just a minute at least." You laugh. He smiles at you, and gets lost looking. "Soo...?"


"I told you I liked you. Do you feel the same or did we just do all of that because you think we're still 'just friends'?"

You roll your eyes. "I do like you, h/n. A lot, actually."

His smile widens and he starts to kiss you once again. "So you'll be my girlfriend is what you're saying? Wait, don't answer that. Your answer is yes, no matter what you think your answer is yes."

You chuckle at his comical desperation. "I was gonna say that but thanks for sparing me my voice." I kiss him and begin sitting up.

"Ready for round 2 now?" He assures.

"Born ready."
I can already hear the "we've been robbed" comments😭

I'm never going to publicly write smut because I'm still a teenager. We're lucky to even get the aftermath lmao.

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