Imagine: Enemy

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You're at a club because you wanted to get your mind off of your ex. He cheated on you and you felt heartbroken at first, but now you're ready to get your mind off it.

You end up drinking a lot more than you intended. You're friend who accompanied you was somewhere lost on the dance floor. You get up and stumble to the floor, bumping into chests and tripping over feet. When someone accidentally backs up into you, you hear a deep voice say "hey, watch what you're doing idiot!"

You look up and see your enemy. He looks irritated for some reason but you just couldn't fathom why he was there in the first place.

"Y/n, let's go." He grabs your hand and attempts to pull you through the large crowd but you resist. "Why? And why are you even here?"

He sighs, letting you go. "I heard what happened and I figured you'd be here. I'm taking you home."

"No! I don't want to leave, and honestly, you should be the one leaving. I'm not sure why you're acting like you care anyways."

His emotions basically switch off and he mumbles something under his breath, along the lines of "Jesus, why do you do this to me?"

He squats down and lifts you over his shoulder, carrying you to his car. You're kicking and hitting his back but he doesn't budge. This is actually what exhausts you about the night.

Once you're sat, you pout and continue ranting your anger.

"Yeah, yeah." E/n smirks and closes the door quickly jumping in the driver's seat. You just cross your arms and look out the window, not speaking the whole car ride. Once pulled up, you make no move to leave the car. You expect him to sit and wait along with you but he immediately gets out and rounds the front.

He opens your door, but you don't look at him. "Come on, don't do that." He says. With no response, he unbuckles your seatbelt and tries to lift you, but you push his arms away. He softly chuckles and puts both of his hands on your face to get you to look at him.

"Don't be difficult. You're drunk, you're grumpy and you're unstable. Let me take care of you." With that, he wraps your legs around his waist and wraps his arms around yours. You wrap your arms around his neck and rest your face on his shoulder.

He walks you all the way through the house to your bedroom. He lays you on the bed, and goes through your closet. He brings out shorts and a plain T-shirt.

"You can't sleep in a dress." He crawls on the bed and hovers over you, and unsure if it's your drunken mind, you suddenly acknowledge how hot he looks. You're just looking at him, admiring his face.

"Can I change you?" The question snaps you out of your gaze and you just blink. "Um-"

"I'll put the shorts on you then you can change into the T-shirt. I just don't want you to fall." He has sincerity in his voice and though it confuses you, as does this whole situation, you just nod confirming you're okay.

He says nothing else, slipping your shorts on. "Put this on." He whispers, handing you the Tee. He turns and sits on the bed, looking at the wall.

Probably wouldn't mind him looking.

"I'm done." You slur. He looks at you and you're already laying under your covers, ready to sleep. Unexpectedly, he crawls into the bed with you, laying over the covers instead of under. He pulls you to his chest by your waist. You feel your stomach erupt, and you're too shocked to say anything.

After a few moments of silence, you whisper a faint "thank you."

"Don't thank me." He softly replied.

"I am." You say.

"E/n, I thought you hated me."

"Oh, y/n." He sighs. "I could never hate you."

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