Imagine: Boy Best Friend

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I was watching h/n practice with his band. I'd told him that he could use my garage, so I might as well get some sort of entertainment out of it.

I'm sitting on a crate, moving my head side to side and singing along with all the songs. They all are good, but h/n is the best. I keep my eyes on him as he plays the bass nonchalantly and hits every pitch with grace in his voice. I'm smiling way too hard.

Once the song hits the outro, he looks at me and smiles himself.

I think I just died.

Once the song is over I clap, walking over to h/n as he removes the bass from his shoulder and sits it down. He turns around and immediately wraps his arms around my waist in a great bear hug. My arms immediately go up to his neck. He's always been known for giving the best hugs.

"You sound so good!" I say.

"Thank you, y/n." He pulls away from me, hands still on my waist. "I just can't believe we have our first gig at a non-school event. This could make or break everything." He grabs his water and his hoodie and heads inside my house. The rest of his band mates are leaving the garage to their cars but he's walking into my home.

Nothing weird, but at the same time, it's a little weird.

I follow behind him. "Don't say that, even if this doesn't go...according to plan, you guys will still have many more chances." I click the button to close my garage. We walk through my door and he goes to my bedroom after greeting my parents and siblings.

This feels natural. He's so close to me, my whole family, that he can practice in my garage and just walk straight through my home to my BEDROOM after casually greeting my parents. This feels almost TOO normal.

We make it to my room and I crack the door. "I don't know, y/n." He drops his back onto the bed and sighs. I smile and lay beside him on my stomach so that our faces are lined up.

"Is there something bothering you?" I ask through a knowing smile. He looks at me and pouts. I chuckle at his odd irritation. "What's the issue, h/n?" I play with his chain while awaiting his response.  He turns on his side to fully face me, like he's ready to have an extremely serious conversation.

"We already have a tour planned for next year." He says. I smile but deep down I'm upset because he's leaving. How could he leave? There's still school? And his family? And me?

"Wow!" I force and put my hands together. "That's amazing, h/n, I'm so happy for you!"

He plays with the lace on my pants that I've been too lazy to cut. "Yeah." He looks down at the lace as he says it so I immediately become suspicious.


"I want you to go with me." He blurts out. My jaw almost drops too far to the floor so I close my mouth and gulp. Oh, he's definitely looking at me now. "I need you there with me. I can't function, be happy or even live without you by my side. I need you."

My voice gets caught in the back of my throat for many reasons. Will my parents even let me? Are we really just friends if he wants this? How long do I have to be away from my family?

He sighs again and uses one hand to grab my hip and roll half of my body on top of his. I rest my arms around his collar and don't speak, as if I know he's gonna explain more.

"I know you need your family too. So I've talked to my managers and they've agreed to let your whole family travel on an extra tour bus, following ours. And you can ride with my group or your family or switch in between, whatever you want to do. But only if you WANT to go." He's not talking fast, yet I feel discombobulated by his words. "And," he adds. "I've already pitched the idea to your parents, and your siblings." Now he's playing with my necklace as a slow smile creeps onto his face. He looks up at my face with a bright look.

I breathe out. "I don't know what to say." I do know what to say.

"Say yes." He whispers.

I have to do it before confirming my answer.

I lean in and connect our lips in a soft touch. He immediately kisses me back, as if he's expecting it. His hand rubs up and down my back, soothing me, calming any nerves or anxiety I've had for his invitation.

"I'll go with you." I mumble as our noses touch. He gasps and yells "Yes!" And wraps his arms around me in a tight hug. "She said yes, p/n!(parent names)"

"We knew she would!" Your mom yelled back. You laugh and look back down at him. He leans up, kissing you once more with his hands on either side of your face.

"This is going to be the best year of my life." His smile never falters as the words leave his mouth.

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