Imagine: Boy Best Friend-Homecoming[pt.1]

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It's your favorite time of the school year. Homecoming season. It's still in a couple of weeks, though no one, not even h/n has asked you yet. You expected him to, regardless of the fact that you're just friends.

You can go to a dance as friends. Right?

Nevertheless, you planned on going either way with your best friend. It'd be wrong not to. She helped pick out your dress, shoes, accessories, and convinced you that you should go whether you get asked or not.

The only thing is, she has a boyfriend, so either you're getting ditched or she's ignoring him most of the time.

You keep trying to tell yourself "there's still time". "He will come through. " "He's just waiting for the perfect moment." Eventually you just gave up and accepted the fact that he probably doesn't see you that way.

"Heard anything from h/n?" Bsf/n asks. "I've heard a lot. Just not what I've wanted to hear." You chuckle.

"Ugh, this man needs to take a hint. You know what, let me talk to him-"

"Bsf/n, no." You were quick to shut whatever she was thinking down. "Absolutely not. If he wanted to go with me, he would have asked me by now. Clearly he doesn't want to so he hasn't. And he doesn't have to."

"Oh, y/n." Bsf/n shakes her head in disappointment. "Have you learned nothing? You dated ex/n, remember? If guys are into a girl, you wouldn't know unless you pry the information out of them." You both step out the school, into the lobby out front, and you sit on the bench along the side.

"You literally had to play dumb in order to learn he even found you pretty." She reminded you.

"Yes but this is different. He's one of my best friends, and if he liked me, I think he'd of told me by now. Especially because we hang out so much." The more you think about it, the less likely you feel it is for him to ask.

"Well, you're extremely wrong, but okay." Right after she says that, you hear music playing in the distance. More specifically, Careless Whisperer.

"Am I going crazy or..." you trail off. You see a bunch of people walking into your direction, whilst slow-dancing in sync. As if it were rehearsed. They shuffled in 2 straight lines and you were curious so you stood up. So did bsf/n.

"What's going on?" You ask but something told you she knew exactly what was happening by the grin on her face and the lack of response. You draw your attention back to the performance.

Once they are lined up right in front of you, they flee the line one by one in a satisfying ripple until you see the person behind it all.


He's holding a giant bouquet of roses and an envelope with his other hand in his pocket. He's dressed sharply, in a white button down with dress pants, the sleeves rolled up halfway up his forearm. His hair is done nicely, and he's got one of the roses in his mouth. You cover your mouth with your hands and laugh at his corny entrance.

He begins to walk towards you slowly until you're toe-n-toe.

"Who's all this for?" You ask sarcastically. He just smiles and hands you the bouquet. "I thought we agreed that we would never oblige to corny shit like this." You say.

"Hm, oh well." He tilts his head to the side a bit, reaching his arm to the right of him. You look to your side, seeing someone hand him a poster and you read the words on it before he even held it up to you, making you gasp once more.

We should whisper at the Homecoming dance!(Nice word play, don't you think?)
Check Yes or Yes.

"The word Play is terrible." You laugh. "Do I even have a choice?"

"No, ma'am, you very much do not." He hands you a sharpie and once you take it, you pretend to think about your answer.

"Choose wisely, there's people watching." He says. You roll your eyes and check a yes box. He looks at the poster, playing shock. "She said yes everyone!" People began to cheer and the dancing began once again.

"How'd you even know I'd be out here?"

"Your best friend works miracles." He darts his eyes to bsf/n really quickly and you look back and see her with her boyfriend, smiling while watching you guys. Your smile never left your face as it widens.


There's more.

"Good thing you said yes because I've got the tickets right here." He holds out the envelope and for the third time this evening, your jaw dropped.

"You already paid?"


You give him a look, and he takes that as a signal to wrap his arms around you. He held you tightly, and you felt content in his arms.

"This is all amazing." You whisper, and pull back. "But I'm gonna kill you for making a scene at school like this."

He shrugs. "At least I'll die happy." You smile at him and return into the hug, excited h/n finally asked and you'll finally live your homecoming dream.

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