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"Who are they?" asked Bella curiously. I just silently listened with my mouth full of food. I don't want to waste the food in front of me, it doesn't taste that bad.

Jessica on the other hand laughed coyly, looking down at the table like Bella.

"That's Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. The one who just left was Alice Cullen; they live with Dr. Cullen" She said in a whisper. I restrained myself from rolling my eyes.

Her stupid gossip is about to start.

To be honest isn't that relatively normal, it's rare for anyone to ignore gossip. They mostly prefer the bullshit type of conversation to the serious, meaningful conversation. They are still immature, they are born in a normal family without any pressure to be something. There's nothing that forces you to grow up too fast.

A little nudge in the good direction might help.

"They... are very handsome and beautiful." Bella said it with difficulty, I just nodded a little while still enjoying my food. While I was busy chewing one of the girls I recognized as Lauren Mallory looked at me with a glare. It's scary to be honest...

She emits a pretty dense negative aura.

I swallowed and looked away from Lauren's gaze. "I met Jasper and Rosalie in my history class," I muttered to Bella who Jessica ignored.

My eyes searched the canteen to see what effect the butterflies had caused me. I caught the awkwardness I saw in the film.

Why would Emmett bring some eggs into the cafeteria?!

Besides I noticed Mike disappearing from this cafeteria, it's weird that puppies usually prefer to be around their masters.

I'm afraid the butterfly effect of my being here creates a big storm that spoils the plot.

"Right!" Jessica agreed with another chuckle. "And they were always together—Emmett and Rosalie, and Jasper and Alice, I mean. And they lived together." Her voice represented the shock and disapproval of this small town, I thought critically. But to be honest, I have to admit that even in Phoenix such a thing would stir up some gossip.

Bella and I shared nervous looks like we just had the same thought. With remaining nervousness I stopped my important event (eating). I put my feet up in the best sitting style chair I can enjoy. Staring at Jessica, a small smile appeared on my mouth waiting for her to continue her sentence.

It would be fun to tease her in the middle of her babbling.

"Which one of them is Cullen?" she asked. "They don't look like  a related family..."

"Oh, no. Dr. Cullen was very young, in his twenties or early thirties. They were all adopted. The one with the last name Hale was a twin brother and sister—the blonde ones—they were adopted."

"they's in my class" I reminded Bella again.

"They seem a little too old to be adopted." I almost choked on my own spit. She forgot that I was also an adopted child. But they were indeed too old, even by human standards.

"You forgot me?" I asked loudly. Bella noticed this and frantically apologized as if I would be offended.

"Sorry, I forgot about that." I still don't understand why sometimes she acts like I'm going to leave her because of a small thing.

"It doesn't matter, I should probably be happy that you forgot that I was adopted." I said holding her shoulder gently.

"You adopted?" Angela asked in a gentle tone. While Jessica seemed happy because she got some new gossip. New gossip about a Phoenix girl with an Australian accent. Now I reconsider my intention to push her in a better direction.

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