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"What'd you guys think?" Luke's giddy grin is unmissable as he swings himself back over the bar in a skillful manner.

"What the fuck, dude? You never told us you were in a band!" Jess is immediately at his throat, slapping a bar rag against his chest.

"You were incredible up there!" Alex gushes with wide eyes, clearly still starstruck with him. I still can't wrap my head around it.

"Cara?" Luke's voice pulls me from my jumbled thoughts and I lift my eyes to his baby blues.

"You were amazing! But you better tell us why you've been hiding this from us." I hollowly threaten, trying to hide the smile from cracking on my face.

"Okay, okay, look I haven't been with the band that long. I saw them perform a while back at another bar around here and their lead singer was apparently a complete asshole and tried something with one of the girls in the audience, so they kicked him out and needed a new singer. I "auditioned" on the spot after a few drinks and they welcomed me in right away." He explains before he takes a sip of the beer Jess had opened for him. Somehow, I can totally see that happening; Luke seeing a band he likes perform and jumping the gun to be their lead singer all in one night. Props to him. He knows what he wants.

"Well, can you tell the one in the hat to come my way?" Jess wiggles her eyebrows. Luke bursts with laughter as I roll my eyes at her bluntness. Another person who knows what she wants.

"I told them we can hang here for a bit after bar close, and you're more than welcome to join. As friends, not workers, that is." His signature charming smile is plastered to his face. I swear I can hear Alex's knees buckle.

"Hell yeah!" She doesn't even bother to hide her excitement. She was always the type to tell it how it is.  No games or nonsense. Just straight up Alex, and her nonexistent filter.

"Lovely. I'll help close up here then we can start the real party." His lips curl into a smirk while he jokingly rubs his hands together. I can't shake my nerves at the thought of sandy locks and I in such an intimate setting. Sure, I'm fucking ecstatic, but still nervous. I don't even know the guy and no one has ever made me feel like this before, like the butterflies have multiplied in my stomach and are pushing their way through my chest and into my throat. I'm tingling, for fucks sake.

I keep my head down as we quickly serve the last of the crowd, since most of the horde have filtered out now that the show is over. There's only a couple of people left, and Luke butts in to serve them, as promised, so the girls and I just stand here looking pretty.

"Anyone want a drink?" I offer to the girls, grabbing a glass to fill with ice as I make myself a rum and coke. Anything to help me chill the fuck out.

"An old fashioned, please." An accented voice hums, and I can feel my stomach drop.

When my head finally lifts, I'm met with those sandy locks and hazel eyes. And that fucking smirk.

"Coming right up." I smile sweetly, subtly wiping my already clammy hands on my shorts and grabbing a class. I ignore the chills that run through my body as I prepare his drink.

Amusement stains his face while he watches me intently. I wiggle my fingers to rid them of tingles.

I easily whip up an old fashioned and finish with a cherry garnish, politely setting a coaster down before the drink sits on top.

"Michael said he had a tab," He begins as he grabs the glass, swirling the liquid inside before it's brought to his plump lips.

"It's on the house." I smile at him and sip my own drink, feeling my confidence bump back to where it normally is. Thank god for alcohol.

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