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Ashton's POV

Before I know what I'm doing, I'm gracelessly crossing my room and tripping over obstacles, praying I can reach her before she sees what I've done. By the time I reach the entrance, the door swings open and Cara's behind it with a curious grin. Only feet away from her sits the wooden table littered with paraphernalia of my own demons.

Think now.

With panicked impulse, I lunge forward and grab the back of her neck, ignoring her confused objections by forcing her mouth to mine. My hands fall to the small of her back and she gives in fairly easily, relaxing herself against me and hopping on the tip of her toes to reduce the space between us. I keep her head close to mine, subtly scooting us back into the hall until we clear the doorway. I reach my hand behind me to quietly lock the door from the inside, knowing my keys are in my pocket and I won't need anyone else going in there.

"What were you-" She begins, but I don't have time nor answers for her questions. I slip my tongue into her mouth to swallow her confusion and subtle whine, gripping her hip to distract her from the sound of my door shutting behind me as I tug it. With sheer luck, she's completely forgotten about her previous motive. All she can focus on are my hands on her ass and her lips on mine.

The taste of her tongue intrudes my mouth and I sigh against her lips at the familiar liquor tainting her tastebuds. She's clearly had a couple of shots before stumbling up here to find me, and I couldn't be more thankful for Jess being the party animal she is and buying me some time. And lucky for me, if she gets drunk enough tonight she won't notice how dialed up I am.

"I missed you." She whispers to me. Her dainty fingers tangle in the hair on the nape of my neck and a shiver runs down my spine at the small tug. She is insatiable. "I didn't know you left right away."

"I had to help set up." I tell her lowly, spinning her around to pin her against my door as we stand tangled in the empty hall. I'm genuinely shocked she hasn't questioned our positioning yet, being right outside of my private room and standing out in the open. Not to mention the obvious attempt to keep her from seeing inside my room.

"Hmm," She hums with a small nod and a weight lifts off my racing chest when I realize I'm in the clear. Her hands tangle in my sweaty locks with teasing tugs and I can feel her lips curve against mine as I tower over her. In an instant, I'm overpowered by her allure. I'm sucked right back under and on my knees worshipping her.

She has no idea the power she has.

"Let's have some fun." She whispers, running her hands down my chest to make me shudder. Every ounce of her being is igniting the fire in my abdomen, agitating  the flames that were so desperate to be put out.

"What kind of fun?" I press her, gently slotting my leg between her thighs. They automatically part for me and I feel the blood rush from my head at how perfectly her body reacts to me. Keep her busy, she won't ask questions.

My hands grip the tiger print on her waist and I press myself against her, letting my head hang to level with her. She looks up at me and arches her back against my door, I can't help but follow the length of her torso when she stretches out below me.

"Any kind of fun." She responds lowly, keeping that innocent smile on her plump lips while she subtly squirms under my thigh that was between her legs. The scent of whiskey slips from her mouth as she breathes up at me, intoxicating my senses with nothing but her.

"What did you have in mind, wildflower?" I urge her, wanting to hear whatever dirty thoughts were swimming in her head, wanting her to look me in the eyes and tell me what she wanted me to do with her. Wanting to keep her shaking and breathless with my name on her lips. 

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