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(Cara's POV)

I sigh with my eyes closed, wrapping the soft towel around my body while I waited for the water to heat up.

Obviously, I wasn't hooking up with Calum. Once we made our sweet escape upstairs, he retrieved my bag from the spare room and I was impatient to shower the sweaty night from my skin. Luckily, I thought ahead and brought a pair of clothes so I didn't have to sit in this damp bikini all night.

Everyone was too busy downstairs, so I figured no one would come looking for us. They thought we were hooking up, why would they try and interrupt?

I stick my hand under the stubborn water after toying with the temperature, watching the cold stream run off my fingers that refused to get hot.

A knock at the door catches my attention over the loud water pressure. I almost groan at the timing now that the water was running warm. Typical Calum.

I laugh as I rush to open it. Fucker probably has to pee.

"Cal, what do you-" I'm cut off by a tight grip on my hips and I'm shoved backwards, not a sight but the piercing hazel in front of me.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Ashton growls, slamming the door shut with his foot behind us and forcing me to the bathroom counter. His chest heaves as he glares at me fuming, his hands twitching from their unbreakable grip.

"I thought you didn't care." I quip, feeling a wave of bravery wash over me despite his current aggression. After everything he's done, I proved him wrong, and I knew I had the upper hand. He's just mad he got caught.

"I don't." He spits, clenching his jaw as he towers over me, unsure of his next move and completely acting on impulse. It was a bit overwhelming to take in, but I've got him right where I wanted him. If he didn't care, he wouldn't be acting like this. He wouldn't be here, period.

"Mhm." I hum, trying to keep my tingling fingers from threading in his hair. My heart pounds when he looks down at me, his eyes stricken with an unholy hunger. "Shouldn't you be with the other blonde?"

"Look who's jealous now. Thought you didn't care?" Ashton taunts me, an unsettling grin stretching over his plump lips. My stomach flips at the way he stares at me, like a predator stalking it's prey ready to attack at any given moment. I felt so small, but completely in control as his eyes dragged down my half naked body covered with nothing but a thin towel.

"The feeling is very mutual, I can't stand you." I tell him, gasping when his large hand wraps around my throat, forcing me to look up at him. His grip on me is incredibly demanding, and for some reason, I obeyed. His head dips down to reduce the burning space between us, locking his eyes and ghosting his lips against mine.

"You are nothing to me." He whispers, gently brushing his nose against mine. Despite the crude remark, the seductive tone of his voice flows straight between my legs and I feel my stomach churn.

But I know that's because he doesn't mean it. Neither do I, I'm just trying to prove a point that I can't seem to remember.

"Absolute trouble." He continues, replacing the grip on my throat with his mouth. My eyes roll back from the aggressive love bite as he sucks the skin of my neck between his sinful lips, letting my pulse thump against his tongue.

"I wish I never met you." I tell him, involuntarily gripping his sandy locks and tugging them through my fingers. My body burns with every touch of his skillful hands, dragging across my skin with immorality.

"Right back at you, baby." He groans against my neck, shoving me against the bathroom counter while his heavy breaths echo with the pulsing shower as steam fills the room.

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