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Cara's POV

My head pounds with anger as I slowly regain consciousness, the bright sun assaulting my eyelids and a shiver of chills solidifying the realization that I am not ready to wake up.

I keep my eyes shut from the morning sun and curl closer to my personal heater laying next to me. With shaky limbs and a yawn that barely measured the level of exhaustion I was at, I kick my leg over his waist and nuzzle myself into his side for warmth.

Ashton grunts next to me from my presence and I feel his arm stretch under me, a hum of slumber pulling from his chest. I take a deep breath to soothe my aching head, inhaling the woodsy scent of his cologne that fills my senses with confusion. I take another sniff to be sure, maybe I'm smelling beer or something else, but I can't find any note of his usual scent.

I pull my head back from his chest and bravely peel my eyes open, forcing through the thick makeup sticking to my eyelashes. My vision is blurry at first, I have to blink a few times to regain an ounce of clarity.

I almost throw up when I do.

Black curls fan over the pillow beside mine, thick eyebrows relaxed and lips parted as he softly snores through his sleep. I feel my stomach sink at the realization that he's shirtless beside me.

What the fuck did I do?

I screw my eyes shut in search of my blurred memories that could explain my situation Nothing makes any sense. Nothing is clear. Memories of the beach flash through my head, bright smiles and plenty of liquor, giving Jess her present, taking a celebratory shot, sitting by the fire with Cal. I retrace my steps mentally and find myself back at the house, dancing with Jess and Alex, countless trips to the bathroom for girl time, taking shots with everyone. I don't remember being with Ashton since the beach. I must've ignored him most of the night, I knew I was mad at him for ditching me in the morning, but I thought I was with him at the end of the night?

Calum groans while he stretches from his slumber, arm stuck under my body as I lay next to him. Immediately I back away and stare at him with wide eyes, frozen in place while I try to force a memory that could explain my current predicament.

"You seen a ghost?" Calum grumbles to me once he cracks an eye open, sleepily laughing at my state of shock. I subtly search under the sheets when he stirs beneath them and my stomach churns when I catch a glimpse of his boxers.

Holy shit.

Images of Ashton flash through my head when I finally realize what landed me here in Calum's room. Unbuckled belt, a frail brunette fixing her skirt, heavy footsteps stomping down the stairs, his desperate pleads as I raced down the lawn, my drunken shoves and shouts. I can taste the venom on the tip of my tongue still, an unsavory flavor that made it hard to swallow the guilt in my throat.

"What happened?" My eyes sting with tears while I put the pieces together of last nights events, trying to burn the image of Calum's half naked body beside mine. He almost looks offended at my less than pleased demeanor.

"You don't remember?" Calum's eyebrows raise at my clear confusion. I shrug beside him, struggling to keep myself together.

"Did we..." I mutter under my breath, mentally bracing myself for the overwhelming answer I ultimately didn't want.

I fucked up.

"Yeah, you said I was so good you were picking me over Irwin." Calum offers a bit of clarity with a sinister grin. The pit in my chest grows and I feel sick to my stomach.

"Oh my god, really?" Tears prick at the corner of my eyes at the realization and I'm convinced I'm about to throw up.

"No, dumbass. You snored my ear off and kept elbowing me in the ribs." Calum rolls his eyes, snorting at my horrified reaction. "You're not much fun to sleep next to."

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