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Another week went by in a blur. I felt like an NPC mindlessly completing my tasks until I reach the next, and the next, and the next.

I've never experienced exhaustion like this before. I think I could literally drop dead the second I see my bed.

I haven't seen much of the boys lately. Michael would text me every once in a while just to be a dick and send me random memes he found funny, but Jess pretty much kept him to herself this week.

Alex has been busier than usual with her classes, so she's barely been around. Apparently she has a huge assignment coming up that she's been grinding out, working in the lab until morning. It isn't until the early hours that she finally stumbles back to our dorm, practically sleepwalking and plummeting down for some much needed sleep.

I finally had some free time after this week. One of my major projects that I've been working on for months was presented on Tuesday, and I'm proud that I did so well. Of course, we won't see our grades for another week or so, but I have a feeling I crushed it.

With that out of the way, I'm no longer slammed with school work and am able to have a life outside of college and work.

It's exciting, but also nerve wracking

I haven't seen Luke much since I ripped him a new one at work on Wednesday. I shouldn't have been so harsh with him, I'll admit, but it really did piss me off and felt like he betrayed me when he told everyone. He knew it was casual, but how can it be casual when all of your friends know about it?

To my surprise, he took my rambling with grace and apologized over and over, to the point where I thought he was about to get on his knees and kiss my feet. He felt bad about it and didn't think it would get out of hand, and admitted that he was just overly excited.

Needless to say, we're back on good terms and to our usual selves at work. Although, I doubt I'll be getting involved with him anytime soon. Never kiss and tell.

My phone dings again and I groan as Michael's nickname is displayed on the screen. I click and open the message, genuinely shocked it's not an image of the dumbest shit ever.

Beanie: Party tonight @ the house. Let's do some more shots ;)

This bitch.

Cara: dude i have to work tonight

I didn't, which is shocking since it's Friday. I just don't feel like being social. I'd rather watch old movies and rot in my bed with a bottle of wine.

Beanie: No tf you don't. Jess told me, and she's on her way to get you all purrrty

Cara: let me think about it

Beanie: Sandy locks will be there and he won't take no for an answer

Beanie: He's reading this over my shoulder as we speak. If you don't show up with your hot friend, I'll come kidnap you myself bc Ashton's been nonstop talking about you and I can't listen to it anymore and I swear I dmsksododiw hwbfkfpeosjdufidodoepshfheiei

Beanie: ahsitoeoejdkdlsosod

Beanie: ofjdkeridl

My brows knit together as I read the complete gibberish that pops up on my screen. Is he having a stroke? What the hell is going on?

(No POV)

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Ashton grits his teeth, wrestling with Michael for his phone. The two roll around on the floor as both fight for the device, taking turns lightly smacking and throwing each other around. This wasn't unusual, the two had a strong brotherly bond.

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