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The refreshing California breeze threads through my hair with serenity, tranquillizing any nerve and anxiety that bubbled inside of me. I felt the goosebumps start to form on my perspiring neck at the contact of the cool air, but it was ultimately calming. 

A deep sigh pulls from my chest as we arrive at the strip, letting the vibrant neon signs and booming bass embrace me with warmth and seduce me inside.

Eli's was always a good time, Jess and I used to come here freshman year with our fake IDs and party like no tomorrow, no regard for our 8 am classes or responsibilities. This place was special for us, it was ours.  It was quaint on the outside, simple signage and red doors, but once you entered, it felt like a complete catfish. The misleading entrance of 'Eli's Social' made it look like a dingy dive in, but it was anything but. The inside felt like a swanky night club in Vegas, with striking red lighting and marble decor.

The owner kept it very lowkey, but that gave it even more charm. It's not riddled with frat guys or new coming students who get plastered and either start fights or end up with their heads in the toilet. It was a calm, safe place to let loose with your people and have a ball with no worries whatsoever.

Plus, the drinks were pretty cheap.

"I'll get drinks." Michael announces to the two of us, leaving us near the door to push his way to the bar. It was pretty busy in here, but that was given considering it's Saturday night at peak bar time. Still, it's not as suffocating as most college bars are.

"To our table?" Jess offers her arm for me with a cheesy grin, wiggling with excitement. I laugh and twist my arm with hers, letting her lead the way to our usual table sat near the stairs. On a typical night out, we'd end up sweating or in dire need of a smoke, so parking ourselves next to the stairs to the balcony was our smartest play. That way we could skip shoving ourselves through the usual crowd to get up to the balcony.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask my best friend as I scan the room. I thought they were meeting us here.

"They're on their way. Alex said she had to stop back at the dorm for her meds." Jess says, throwing her arm in the air to signal her man. "She won't be out late, she has to go to the lab early tomorrow."

"Lame." I chuckle at our responsible friend, but I'm glad she's coming out. She needs this as much, if not more, than I do. She's been working herself to the bone these past few weeks on her assignment and barely sees the light of day. She works in the lab dusk til dawn, and the perfectionist in her won't have it any other way.

"I've got a tab open, so go crazy." Michael's eyebrows wiggle when he returns with our drinks, setting them on the table. Jess grins at his presence and I can feel her giddiness from here, it's plastered on her face.

"Thanks, Mike." I chuckle as I take a hefty sip of my drink, watching them practically melt each other with their infatuated stares.  They're so into each other, it's disgustingly adorable.

"Hey!  Sorry I'm late." Alex breathlessly barges in, scaring the shit out of me.

"Holy shit, Al!" I gasp at her abrupt entrance. She needs a bell.

"Congratulations, bitch!" She grins ear to ear and tugs me in a tight hug, shaking me side to side. I laugh at her affection, but I'm grateful.

"Thank you." I giggle into her hair, waiting for her release her crushing squeeze so I can breathe.

"Took him long enough." She mutters with a smirk, finally letting me go to stand beside me and reach for her own drink. She must have grabbed one before coming by us.

"You deserve it. No one can give a six dollar shot like you." Jess grins to me with deviance in her eyes.

"Here here!" Michael raises his beer. My eyes roll as everyone mirrors him, lifting their drinks to toast my chest.

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