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Walks of shame usually insinuate that you got lucky the night before, but that morning, mine was nothing but pure unfiltered indignity.

I couldn't bear the news to Jess when she emerged from Michael's room, coinciding with my baggy clothes and severe bed head. She was practically glowing with delight from her night, and I couldn't endure the embarrassment of mine, especially with my lack of knowledge.

I tried to piece together blurred images each day that passed, and some moments were able to fade back with time and extreme focus, but I wasn't able to figure it out.

My mind was spinning each possibility as I tried my best to appear normal at work. My body was on autopilot entering orders and pouring out drinks, I'm sure I looked like a robot.

Alex was over obvious about her extreme FOMO since she couldn't be at the party, and Jess only made it worse with all of her gory details of last weekend. I, on the other hand, kept my mouth shut about everything that transpired, no matter how hard Alex pushed. It isn't much to brag about, anyway, and I know she would just give me shit for it.

Luckily, I was able to keep my head down and focus on serving the few patrons scattered around the bar. When my hands went idle, I found trivial tasks and busy work to put my focus on.

"Luke!" Ari's booming voice startles me when he sneaks behind the bar. Luke's head snaps toward him and his eyebrows raise. Ari curls his finger and Luke nods, his long legs swiftly carrying him over to my side of the bar. God dammit.

"Yeah, boss?" Luke slips behind me to get to Ari and I step out of the way, only for a hand on my arm to halt me.

"You too, Misty. In my office." Ari turns on his heel to lead us out from behind the bar and down the hall.

What the hell is this about?

Ari's linen striped pants and aztec printed cardigan flow with his power walk and I try to ignore the tinge of jealousy I feel. This man can wear his damn pajamas and disheveled wavy locks to work and still be this intimidating. He literally looks straight off a 70s bender at a Zeppelin concert, but the second he opens his mouth, he can be terrifying.

I know him very well, though, so I know he's just a big softie. There's not a bad bone in his body, he just likes to pretend he's living his equalizer fantasy.

Stale cigarette smoke and Creedence Clearwater Revival overtake my tenses as we step into the dim room that was covered head to toe in vintage posters and tapestries. He was a big music fan, always collected flyers for shows he's been to. The walls wear them like his personal badge of honor.

Ari slips into his office chair with a bright grin on his face while Luke and I take a seat after shutting the door, confusion plastered on our faces.

"So, I know you both think you're getting fired by the big bad boss, right?" His fingers intertwine and he slumps back into his chair, resting his hands on his beer belly. Easily the most unbothered man on this planet.

I cross my legs and lean on the arm rest while I shake my head at his demeanor. It's so hard to take him seriously, especially since he's never been serious his whole life.

"I called you in here because of your show." His eyes fixate on Luke, making the blond boy perk up in his seat with wide eyes.

"My show?" Luke's brows knit together as he leans forward. Ari mirrors the boy and sits up in his chair.

"We made well over our expected profit for the month, almost triple, all from that show. I don't think any band we've had here has brought in that much revenue." Luke's eyes bulge out of his head at our boss' words. I knew they played a packed house that night, but holy shit, triple our profit?

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