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The day couldn't drag by any slower. My schedule was completely full with classes today, all back to back and across campus. I always hated these days, feeling completely unorganized and erratic. I felt like I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

I haven't even had a chance to talk with my girls today, I've been so consumed with the overwhelming school work and overall exhaustion. The last time I spoke with Jess, she was rambling about how she and Michael have been hanging out almost every day for the past couple weeks since the show. I guess after the show that night they both got lucky and ended up in her dorm, and the rest is history.  By the sound of it, they must be pretty infatuated with each other. Considering I haven't seen her since last weekend at work.

Alex and I also barely got time to catch up, with our opposite nap schedules and all. Sure, we see each other at work, but she's too concerned with Luke and when the band will come back to play.

I guess that night was pivotal for all of us.

Luke and I went back to our usual relationship, bickering and friendly flirting behind the bar. I'm a bit surprised at how well he's handling the post show hookup. He's not clingy or overly jealous like he used to be when we first started. In fact, he doesn't seem bothered in the slightest. It's refreshing, and I feel immense relief knowing that we're on the same page.

A sigh pushes out of my chest when the door to my room shuts behind me, my body slumping against it.

My brain has been racking itself all day, jumbling these past few weeks. I can't wait to just lie down and take a fucking nap to shut my mind off for a couple of hours.

My eyes open and I lift my head to the wall, only to jump back and yelp at the sight in front of me.

"Jess! What the fuck?" I'm stuck to the door out of shock while my heart tries to find its normal rhythm. The door was locked, how did they even get in here?

"Hey!" She gives me a toothy grin while she and Michael sit on the floor between the two beds, cuddled up with a rolling tray and papers. "I peeked at your schedule and knew you had some free time today, so I thought I'd surprise you with a trip to the zen spa."

Her arms open with warmth and she holds her hand out to me, while the other occupied a freshly rolled joint.

I love this bitch.

"You know me too well." I chuckle and accept her invitation, crossing my legs to join them on the plush cloud-shaped carpet.

The joint is placed between my lips with her long red fingernails before the lighter is ignited. I watch the flame slowly dance as it's brought to the end of the joint hanging from my lips, subtly burning the tip to an ember cherry.

I suck the smoke into my mouth, feeling the warm trail ghosting down my throat and tickling my chest. I let it consume me before deeply exhaling, letting it fill the air around me.

After a few more hits, my mind is at ease and my head feels ten pounds lighter.

"So I know we haven't been able to catch up in a while," Jess takes a long hit before she continues. My head falls back against the bed, my eyes rolling with it. I knew this was coming.  "How was the rest of the night after the show? We barely talked about it!"

The joint is passed to Michael who greedily takes it, letting it sit between his lips while he takes several hits without moving his hands from Jess' waist.

"It was good! Luke and I stayed back to clean up and close the bar." I say vaguely, knowing she'll push me for details as usual.

Michael stifles a laugh, pushing the smoke out of his lungs and right into my face while he struggles to keep his composure.  My eyes narrow at him.

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