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Ashton's POV

This shindig wasn't as insufferable as I thought it would be. Though, it was a bit awkward being Cara's arm candy, answering personal questions about myself that these people had no business asking just to whisper to each other once we walked away. It was tolerable doing the whole meet and greet shit, but it didn't seem like Cara even knew half of these people we ran into.

About an hour in a couple approached us and based on the way Cara's face paled, I could only assume they were the exes parents. I didn't mind one bit, this was expected. Cara wanted me here tonight for this very reason and I planned to deliver as best I could.

I could feel her nerves buzzing next to me as they made their way toward us and it was hard to fathom why she would care what they think. I don't understand it, but I'll be her helping hand.

"Cara, hi! So happy you could make it tonight." The blonde woman beams, eyes crinkling to compensate for the clear judgement in her look as she quickly surveys Cara's outfit. Clocked her as a hag the second she opened her mouth.

"Yes, I'm feeling better. Sorry I had to disappear like that." Cara nervously laughs next to me while the woman pulls her into a hug. I keep my hand secure on the small of her back.

When the woman glances to me, she gives me a look that resembles disgust. I bite back a smirk.

"And who might this be?" Her condescending tone doesn't fall on deaf ears. Cara practically freezes beside me.

"This is..." Her voice wavers while she tries her best to stay strong. I can't help the possessiveness that seeps out of me from the obvious judgement this old bat is throwing my way. "My um—"

"Boyfriend. Ashton." The words tumble out of my mouth, but they tasted so sweet on my tongue. Cara's reaction almost sold it for me, the way her eyes widened and lips parted with shock. She tries to hide the fire in her eyes by glancing down at her boots.

My lips pull into a prideful smirk when I reach out to shake the bitter woman's hand. Cold and dry as expected, she retracts her hand after a few seconds and takes a step back to eye me.

"Nice to meet you, Ashton." The older man beside her offers a handshake. I oblige. He seems way more laid back than his wife, considering she looks like she's trying to kill me with her hateful stare next to him.

I sip my old fashioned with pride and shoot a wink to the little hag. Cara stands straight beside me and flashes a bright smile with her newfound confidence. The apples of her cheek blush when she glances up to me.

"Ready for another?" Cara asks me sweetly, hinting to her empty glass that I'm assuming she needed refilled.

"Sure." I nod to her and lightly squeeze her hip. She excuses us from the miserable couple and leads me out of the living room.

I follow a few paces behind her, admiring the way her hips sway with every stride, how her little skirt hugs her with temptation, the tight tank top that looked painted on and flattered her chest in the most mouthwatering way. She looked so pretty today, so confident and vibrant and so her.

I wanted to drop to my knees and worship her.

By the time we enter the kitchen, it's empty. Not a body in sight. I head straight to the bar without any disruptions.

She leans back against the counter while I make our drinks and I can feel her eyes on me the entire time.

"This isn't so bad, right?" Cara says from her spot, arms cross and head tilted while I fix our cocktails.

"Not at all." I say nonchalantly. I drop a cherry in her drink before I step over to set it on the counter behind her. She doesn't reach for it. Instead, her fingers link through my belt loops and she tugs me a step closer.

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