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Wednesday's POV:

My eyes opened, and I was staring at the ceiling of my dorm. I, however, did not remember falling asleep. The last thing I remember truly was Enid and I hugging.

*a painful memory crosses Wednesday's mind*

Enid Wolfed-out during a blood moon just to save me. She also took down Tyl..the Hyde all on her own. I need to remember to thank her.

*across the room, a small whimper is heard*

Enid must be struggling with sleep, quite like I had been. Breathing in a big breathe I decided to test my voice.

"Enid." I stated in my usual tone, or so I had thought.

*Enid jumps awake breathing heavily from her dream*

"Weednesday!" She shouts and then winces from what I can only assume is pain. Enid's face had already begun to scar, and I could guess there were other spots that were making her huff in pain.

"I am here, Enid. There is no need to shout." I respond again, trying to make my voice leveled, but after yesterday, it was not working.

"Wednesday, you sound in pain. Are you okay?" Enid asks, as if she is not aware of what we both went through yesterday.

"Enid. You and I went through... something unbelievable yesterday. It is safe to say neither of us is okay." I respond, rolling my eyes at the girl I have come to call my friend.

"Wednesday..." Enid trails off her sentence. This causes me to clench my jaw. She knows how annoyed I get when people do not say what they mean.

*Wednesday sits up slowly, making sure not to cause too much physical pain*

"Enid, you know how I feel about not finishing your sentences." I say, trying to keep my annoyance low. I know Enid had a rough day yesterday, but that does not mean I will go soft on her.

"Sorry, Wednesday. I just, I want to talk about our hug..." Enid again trails off her sentence. I am now looking directly at her bed, and I can see a small smile on her face.

Internally, I smile back. This girl has begun to bring feelings back into my life, but she can not know that just yet. For now, I will just continue to stare blankly. Enid is a powerful force, and amazingly, she is not eben aware of her power.

"What exactly do you want to know?" I question her with just the slightest express change. One even Enid's heightened senses could not notice.

"Oh, you know.. because we hugged, does that mean we are really besties? Or are you still caught up on your "I hate everyone, and no one can be close" type deal?" Enid giggled a bit to herself on her clever wording.

Again, I sat sighing at this girl. Yes, it was true that most people were not allowed to be close. And I did not particularly like most people. But Enid had flipped a switch inside her heart, and it actually began to beat.


With every passing day and every passing moment. Wednesday's heart was growing in her lov... appreciation of Enid. Although if anyone else knew, she would surely deny it.

Enid was falling and falling hard for wednesday. She had been for a while now. Especially with everything that happened yesterday. She would be damned if Wednesday found out. For now, Yoko stayed the only person to know about Enid's feelings. Or so she thought.

Yoko had attempted to keep Enid's secret, but of course, as things happen. Now Xavier, Ajax, Bianca, and Thing all knew. They had a game plan too, one that neither girl knew about.

*Wednesday POV*

I had clearly taken a couple of beats too long to respond to Enid. As her face had started to fall.

"Enid, I have to say that the mark you have left on me is indelible. I do not hate you, nor have I ever." And with that, I turned around to move off my bed. Effectively shielding my small smile from Enid.

(Okay, very first chapter, kinda nervous, but I hope those who see it enjoy it!)

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