This Is A Date

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(A/N, here we go!)

Enid's Thoughts:

Enid was sitting in the main room, her foot bouncing slightly. Her palms were sweaty and her heart was beating irratically. It was just a date.

She needed to chill out.

But then Wednesday entered the room and Enid's heart sky rocketed out of her chest. She nearly fainted (again!) At the beautiful girl standing before her, a girl she got to call hers.

"If you leave your mouth open much longer you might catch a fly." Wednesday teased, the smallest twitch of her lips upward made Enid's heart flutter even more.

She had fallen so quickly for Wednesday, she hardly even noticed it.

Wednesday was clearly basking in the pride of having such affects on the werewolf.

She walked closer and stuck out a hand for Enid. Which Enid gladly accepted, allowing herself to be pulled into a standing position.

"Shall we?" Wednesday asks, she's making full eye contact for what felt like the first time in forever. Enid's heart might actually explode out of her chest before this date even begins.

"What are we doing?" Enid asks, curiosity getting the best of her as Wednesday leads them to the front door. Wednesday's fingers had intertwined with Enid's own. It was yet another first, and yet another reason that the wolf was basically tripping over her own feet.

"That is for me to know and you to find out." Wednesday answered, she gave Enid's hand a light reassuring squeeze.

Enid decided she'd just bask in the feeling of Wednesday's cold hand intertwined with her warm one.

That is until they abruptly stopped. Oh no, they were gonna try archery again.

Enid whined slightly. She was not good at this sort of thing. Wednesday was perfect at almost everything and archery was one of them, so what were they doing here?

"The night of the last full moon, we were practicing your bow skills. Before you were able to take a shot, you transformed." Wednesday said as she removed her hand from Enid's. Enid had to exhibit all theself-controll she had not to instantly reach back for her.

Wait, did Wednesday really remember what happened last full moon?

"If you'll notice, the arrow you had shot struck that tree just beyond the target." Wednesday was pointing in the direction of a rather large tree. Yet there was no arrow sticking out of it.

"How do you know?" Enid ask. She's beyond confused as to what they're doing out here.

Wednesday snaps and Thing appears out of the top of her bag. Holding none other than an arrow.

"This arrow was the first one you shot, we retrieved it the next night. Now to you this may mean nothing, but to an Addams the first arrow you shoot is important." Wednesday's talking more to the arrow now than to Enid, she was clearly caught up in the moment.

"My first arrow hit my father, I was unable to keep that one. But Pugslet has his hung above his bed, still yet to have struck a target. And when Purbert turns 5 next year he will receive his first lesson. He's a slow learner that one." Wednesday's still holding the arrow close to herself as she recounts the family history to Enid.

Wednesday's eyes snap up to meet Enid's, they are shining with an unfamiliar look.

"This is yours, and until you either use it to take someone out or hit a bullseye, it'll be the only arrow you shoot. That is why I retrieved it. You are part of this tradition now Enid." Wednesday finishes her speech, she's holding the arrow out to Enid now.

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