Tick Tick

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Wednesday's thoughts:

Wednesday was pacing her room. Her feelings were creating a horrendous storm inside of her. A storm she did not like.

After Enid blew a fuse at her earlier, she'd been giving the werewolf space. She didn't want to overstep the other girls boundaries, especially when Enid had tried so hard to always respect her own boundaries.

Operation "Spill the beans" as Thing had decided to call it was not going well. Every moment with Enid made Wednesday grow speechless. She had so many times tried to admit how she felt but froze up when the blonde looked at her with such earnest emotion.

Wednesday had never seen anyone look at someone else in that manner, not even her own parents. It's unnerving. It sends chills up her arms. Even more bone chilling than normal.

Not only did it leave Wednesday freezing, but it left a black hole forming in her heart every time those elegantly blueish eyes turned away.

The night they'd stared into each other's eyes had solidified everything for Wednesday. She absolutely knew then she had fallen into the family trap. There was absolutely no escape for her now. There was just one problem, her.

Wednesday's spiraling thoughts were interrupted by exasperated taping.

Thing was beyond done with both girls. He couldn't hardly take knowing they both had feelings for each other but kept it secret. He was a hand of his word, though. He would allow them to figure it out.

"Do not even suggest to me yet again to just tell her!" Wednesday was seething. She'd also thrown a knife at Thing. It landed just in between his fingers. He didn't back down, though.

"Well, absently mumbling cute things to her isn't helping." He insisted.

"I do not say Cute things, nor do I mumble, you may be sentient, but you are blind." Wednesday argued, she couldn't be absently saying nice things, could she?

That's much too unlike her. Then again, so are the feelings she is having.

Wednesday's pacing began again. This time, she was almost stopping with each step. Growing more and more frustrated with her own conflicting emotions.

Wednesday moves to her typewriter. Maybe she should once again try to write down her feelings.

Thing stops her before she begins, pointing at the overflowing recycling bin.

"Don't waste more ink. You know it will only come out correctly when it is time." Thing signed, it's like he was taunting her.

"That's preposterous. Everything can be planned out." Wednesday was growing more and more annoyed with her companion.

Normally, Thing was always handy with his advice, but now? He must have gone mad.

There was no chance Wednesday could simply tell Enid how she felt in the moment, even though she wasn't sure what she was feeling. Both suffocated and more alive than ever, could that make sense? Maybe Enid would have some inhuman way of understanding whatever Wednesday says.

Enid's thoughts:

Enid was lying in the guest bedroom. She'd been there for the last couple of hours. Absently scrolling instagram and the likes. She needed to talk to Wednesday but couldn't bring herself to walk to the shorter girl's room. Afraid to face up to their earlier argument.

*message Egg Yolko*

Enid raised an eyebrow. She hadn't heard from Yoko since the almost date with Wednesday.


Egg Yolko: Girl, why did you give Wednesday my number?

Wolfed-out: WHAT? I wouldn't do that.

Egg Yolko: Then why did I just get a message from her?

Wolfed-out: Well, she has her ways. What's she want?

Egg Yolko: She's just asking me about you.

Wolfed-out: What?

*Bubbles form and unform*

Enid's mind starts to race. What could Wednesday be asking about that she couldn't ask Enid to her face. This could go horribly wrong.

Egg Yolko: She was just asking about your sweater size.

Enid let's out a breath, okay. Maybe she was overreacting.

Wednesday's texts - names by Thing:

Wannabe Serial Killer: Is this Yoko? I received your number from Enid.

Count Yoko: This is the one and only with, who's this?

Wannabe: Wednesday. I have a couple of questions for you.

Count Yoko: Okay, girl! Shoot em at me.

Wannabe: I won't be shooting anything.

Count Yoko: Sorry. What are your questions Wednesday?

Wannabe: I need to know what Enid considers a perfect date, Enid's favorite food, and Enid's favorite thing to do. As well as how you'd suggest for someone to admit their feelings to her.

Do not breathe a word of this to Enid or I will find you, and when I do, no one will ever find you again.

Count Yoko: okay girl chill, your secrets are safe with me.

*End of Wednesdah's messages*

Enid and Yoko had finished catching up. Not too much had passed besides Yoko and Davina having their latest anniversary.

Enid has lost track of which one they were on, seeing as Yoko is like 500 years old.

It was nearly 12 am. now. Enid hadn't realized how quickly time had passed. She found her inner self itching to be closer to her m.. mate.

She was still shuddering at that word, Wednesday being her mate was driving her even more crazy lately. Like her wolf could feel something she couldn't yet.

All that mattered right now was that she wanted to be in her mate's room.

Enid was out of her guest room in a swift motion, not even second-guessing herself at this point. Even though both girls have yet to discuss their minor argument, they still glided to each other.

It was effortless, Wednesday's door was already cracked open for her. An invitation just for her, Enid knew this because Wednesday's door was almost always closed.

Enid slipped into the room quietly. She knew Wednesdag was awake. She could feel it before entering the room. She just didn't want to disturb her.

"Enid." Wednesday spoke from a little too close behind Enid.

Enid jumped and stumbled over, nearly falling.

Actually, she would have if Wednesday hadn't just caught her in the most romantic looking dip of either girl's lives.

And just like that, all air left her lungs. Enid felt her heart, going so fast she was scared it might explode in one giant..


(A/N, so clearly I suddenly had a burst of creativity. But also minor cliffhanger. Wanred to try writing one. Thanks for reading!)

(I'm working on the confession part, everyone get ready)

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