In (not) So Few Words

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Wednesday Addams, she was many things. A girl obsessed with the macabre, a fencing legend in the making, a rival to the best archer, a maniac, a psycho, and most of all, dark and disturbing. The one thing she was not was normal.

Wednesday had always revealed in the fact that no one could understand her, and she couldn't be bothered with people's thoughts about her. Some called that confidence, some called it snobbish. Wednesday called it her. She was not ashamed.

Wednesday was also emotionally adverse. She was not at all focused on love or dealing with teen angst. She'd much rather dissect a bird.

Until Enid, Enid made her world flip upside down. It made Wednesday's dark and dreary raincloud form rainbows within her mind. Within it, Wednesday found a peace she'd never believed possible.

Wednesday Addams found the most unequivocally, undeniable, unbelievable form of love. One that could even rival her own two parents. Although it felt much different to her parents, maybe that is why she wasn't running away from it. Instead, she was facing it.

And here was the bane of her existence looking right back at her, Enid Sinclair.

They were face to face in Wednesday's room. A storm was brewing just outside the window. It made the whole place feel surreal. Wednesday could hardly keep it together.

Wednesday's gaze faltered, and her eyes fell to Enid's lips for only a split second as she saw the other girl form her small smile. Beautiful, she thought.

"I am undeniably in a state of peace." Wednesday responded softly. She was still fighting to keep all emotion out of her voice, although her usual deadpan was missing. Enid picked up on that quickly.

"What is it that you need to tell me?" Enid pressed, she could see the vulnerability behind Wednesday's normally black eyes. In the small Beat of sunlight that came through the clouds, they'd reflect the most beautiful brown eyes. They were dark, yes, but its almost as if the sun unlocked the truth behind Wednesday's soul.

"Enid, I'm going to need you to give me a minute to form it all together." Wednesday broke their stare then, taking a steadying silent breath.

Enid didn't press, her heart rate rose. She wasn't sure what was about to happen. Her wolf was busy jumping around in circles, though, so she didn't worry too much.

Enid thought for a moment before reaching out a hand to her mate. Maybe the physical contact could help Wednesday focus.

Wednesday flinched ever so slightly away from the other girls hand. She wasn't one for touch. Everyone already knew this, but she found herself reaching out. Interlocking their fingers seamlessly.

"Mi querida, I have tried since you got here to find the perfect words for you, the words needed to share my soul. No matter how dark and hard it is to find. I have realized that waiting until I have the perfect words will never work. No words can truly pinpoint what it is you make me feel. Whether you return these feelings or not, I must speak my truth." Wednesday began, finding a rhythm to her confession. She still stopped for Enid to follow along. She didn't want to waste her breath if the other girl was going to run before she even got to the important bit.

Enid only squeezed her hand, her blueish eyes giving way to gold rims in the center, a horrendous reflection of the burst of sunlight randomly coming and going. Quite like the world didn't know how to react to this situation either. It only made eye contact that much harder for Wednesday.

"Tu as de beaux yeux. (You have beautiful eyes), your stare is life altering." Wednesday stared back, pushing herself forward with her words.

"Ever since the moment I stepped into our shared dorm, I knew you would change my life. I didn't need any form of a vision to show me that. You wormed your way into my heart, my mind, my life. Not just anyone can gain the trust of an Addams, let alone their heart. You, Sinclair, you've taken all that was surrounding my heart and smashed it into a million pieces. Walls of rubble thrown about just so you could overtake my life. I do not resent it." Wednesday broke off again. She was struggling to say exactly what she was trying to.

Enid only tilted her head in response, a small nod to continue, a perfect smile looking back at Wednesday.

"You've made a black hole in my heart, one that only ever asks to see more of you. More of your smile, more of your laugh, more of your off-key singing and sad dances, more of everything to do with you. So much so that when you are not near me, it asks for you. I have never needed anyone in my life, not until you showed me that bright colors and black and white could bleed together. Could form the most beautiful gray I'd ever seen. I am forever changed by you. I am forever grateful to your respect of my boundaries and never trying to say my oddities make me inhuman."

A breath, not just from Wednesday but from Enid too. Both girls were hanging on every word Wednesday spoke. Waiting, waiting for three little words, less elegant than everything Wednesday was saying, but somehow just as important.

"You annoy me, you grate on my every move, you hover, you beg, you growl, and you whimper. You also have formed the safest place I could ever imagine, silence the murderer within me, and command my every move. I'd kill the world for you, I'd save you a million times over, I'd die to protect you."

"Enid Sinclair, I adore you, I am yours, my heart belongs to you, my life in your hands."
"I am in love with you, now and forever. mi arcoiris (my rainbow), luce della mia vita (light of my life), Mein Liebling (my darling)."

Wednesday's speech had ended. Enid was already in tears, and Wednesday's eyes were watery. As close to tears as she could probably get.

And now Wednesday waited, for the light of her life to respond.

Enid was breathless as her mate's elegant words. She knew in that moment how Wednesday felt, something she knew the other girl struggled with. Her heart was so full that it felt like it might explode any minute.

Enid wanted to jump on the black-haired girl, completely breaking all space between them. But she knew that would cross all of Wednesday's boundaries too quickly.

"Can I hug you?" Enid squeaked, radiating energy.

"Yes." Wednesday said, her voice wavering slightly.

Enid drew Wednesday in slowly, fighting back every urge to give her a bome crushing hug. She needed to be slow and soft with Wednesday.

Both girls sunk into the embrace, for Wednesday it was a safey net, she knew Enid had some sort of feelings back for her because she wasn't running away.

For Enid, the hug was everything all at once. the butterflies she'd been missing were running rampant within her whole body. Yet she kept herself calm for her dreary raincloud.

They were in love.

And Enid needed to figure out what to say back soon.

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