A Wolf and a Bird

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Enid's Thoughts:

So, tonight was the night, and Enid was no at all ready. Her first time wolfing-out didn't really give her time to get control of herself before dashing into danger.

She was now beyond worried about what was going to happen that night. The only thing really keeping her from going insane from all her thoughts was Wednesday. Wednesday seemed confident enough for the both of them.

Enid had been basically pacing around all of the house for the whole day, and she could see it was annoying Wednesday. She didn't have it in her to stop, though, because what if something really did happen?

She would have to run away from her roommate's home if she really did hurt Wednesday. God, she was terrified of hurting her best friend.

"Enid." Wednesday states, swiftly coming in front of Enid, effectively stopping her pacing.

"If you pace anymore, you are going to cause a fire. Although I am not opposed to such an ordeal, my mother would rather not have to deal with that today." Wednesday said as she took a few steps back from Enid.

"Alright, I just can't help it. I'm so not ready for this Wens!" Enid sounded on the verge of tears. She felt like she was going to explode with all of the hormones rushing through her.

Full moons really affected her now. It was almost unbearable. The heightened senses were driving her mad. She could hear every thump of Wednesday's slow heartbeat. The faintest chirp of a bird outside even.

Besides sound, she could also smell even the faintest wisp of any animal roaming around outside. And the wolf inside of her was ready to chase anything. Anything at all.

"Here, try this." Wednesday said, breaking Enid out of her thoughts again. The dark-haired girl's handed her a pair of headphones she had often seen Wednesday wear. She had told Enid that she wore them when Enid's music was especially mind-numbing.

She took the gratefully and sat down on the couch with her ears now covered. Almost instantly, she felt more relaxed. She didn't know if it was the faint scent of Wednesday around her or the silence she was hearing. Either way, she was feeling calmer.

Enid stayed like that through the morning, just enjoying the sound of nothingness for the first time ever. Maybe that's why Wednesday always wanted quiet time for her writing.

The only problem was that Enid's thoughts kept wandering. Eventually, when the what-ifs got too deep, she had to take off the headphones. Having spent the better but of 3 hours in silence, she needed something else.

It was also nearing evening time now. Which meant the moon would be rising and taking effect over her mind soon. She needed to be ready for it.

Enid stood quickly from the couch, only then realizing that Wednesday had left her to sit in her own silence. She couldn't help the small whine that left her lips at the thought of being left alone. It made her worried that Wednesday might do the same when she wolfs-out.

Enid shook her head hard. She couldn't focus on that yet. She needed to get changed before it was too late. She didn't want to ruin yet another outfit.

Another hour later and Enid is wearing some of her more athletic clothing, because she didn't actually know how to plan her timing for wolfing-out she would just have to accept that another pair of clothes would be lost. There wasn't much choice.

As she came down the stairs, she was greeted yet again by Wednesday popping up in front of her.

"Hey, you should really announce yourself more." Enid said as she jumped back a bit by the sudden appearance of her roommate. It sounded a bit more harsh than she intended, but she was getting more anxious as time grew closer.

The Raven - Wenclair *Complete*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora