So We Should Talk, Right?

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(Countdown: 4 days left until the ball)

Wednesday's thoughts:

It was yet another day of terrible planning and decorating in the Addams family house.

Wednesday was over it. It was already past lunch, and Wednesday was beginning to get more irritated than normal.

The only saving grave was that Enid had finally decided to join them in the festivities. She was now holding the ladder for Pugsley instead of Morticia.

Wednesday still had no idea what her brother was even doing on top of a ladder. She just stood, arms crossed, off in the corner of the room. Glaring at them all.

So maybe she was mad there was going to be a party, she hated them after all. Or maybe she was just mad her girlfriend's attention was not being focused her way. Either way, she was mad. What else mattered?

"Pugsley, would you just walk yourself off of the ladder at this point?" Wednesday grumbled, looking dead-panned as always, but Morticia noticed the sound of a pout in her daughter's voice.

"Enid, honey. Why don't you and Wednesday take a break? Wednesday sounds a little hungry." Morticia smiled sweetly over to Enid, who hesitated only for a moment before letting go of the ladder.

Enid looked almost worried about spending time with Wednesday today, or maybe she was just worried about Pugsley falling.

Wednesday knew, though, that if he fell, he would be fine. She had dropped him from much higher distances, and he never had too serious of injuries. As far as her parents knew, that is.

"Okie dokie! Come on, Wens!" Enid had clearly brushed aside her hesitation and gestured for Wednesday to follow her out and to the kitchen.

Which she did, but not happily, not even remotely happily.

Wednesday let out a light puff of air as they fell into step beside each other. She was just a touch beyond stress for this ball.

Normally, she would not let herself feel such a thing, but Enid's enjoyment and happiness were on the line. Things had to be perfect.

"So how ya feeling?" Enid brushed her shoulder against Wednesday's quickly. Clearly trying to bring her back to reality.

It did the opposite.

Wednesday was launched into a vision. She was rather dazed because she hadn't had one since stopping Tyler and Laural.

The scene was dark, and it felt eerily familiar to Wednesday. Yet she had no idea where she was.

That was until she heard the shouting and rushed over to find a waterfall.

The shouting was muffled, sounding like it was miles away. All she could make out was..

"Don't you ever think you can come between the Addams family and those they care about!" She could not pin down the voice. Because after the shout, all she heard were whimpers and growls.

Then the world came back into view, and she was visibly shaken.

"Wednesday, are you okay?" Enid was holding her and sitting on the ground. Wednesday instantly pushed to get up, but the strong arms around her tightened.

"Woah, no. Just sit for a moment, please." Wednesday was ready to protest, but Enid's pouty face made her still.

"Fine, but I do not like it." Wednesday said, but her body betrayed her as she relaxed into the embrace of her strong werewolf.

"Are you gonna tell me what you saw?" Enid asks after a moment, finally releasing her tight grip.

"I am honestly not sure." Wednesday said, she was sure of only one thing. Bad things were coming.

"Okay, come on, let's get you some water." Enid got up and gave Wednesday her hand as an offering of help.

Wednesday instead refused it and stood on her own. She just barely missed the look of distraught that came upon Enid's face. It was then quickly masked by a less than happy smile.

Discontent was brewing between the girls, tension barely noticeable.

Both girls were now hiding something from the other, yet neither knew of the situations they would soon find themselves in.

When they reached the kitchen, Wednesday sat quickly with some food and water, Enid not far behind her.

They ate in silence for the first time since they had arrived at the mansion. Neither knew exactly what to say.

*3rd person, a moment in each girls head*

Wednesday was trying to pinpoint the voice she had heard, wondering where in the woods she was. Why was she even in the woods in the first place.

Why was there growling and whimpers heard around the family property.

Who was coming? And when?

Wednesday could not tell Enid what she saw. Not until she knew more. Right? It was the only wad to protect her and keep her from freaking out.

Wednesday's empty glass hitting the table a little too hard made both girls jump.

Enid was too lost in thought about their relationship as a whole. Were they getting closer, or were they stuck already?

Sure, Wednesday had allowed Enid to hold her for a moment. And she had instantly relaxed into the embrace. Which made Enid fill warm and fuzzy all over.

Then she denied help in standing, which made Enid feel like they'd taken one step forward and six steps back in a matter of five minutes.

She just didn't know what to do, she wasn't sure how to comfort Wednessay, or eben how to make her know that she can trust Enid with anything. Especially things like her visions.

Had she really not seen anything of importance? Or was this like the gates mansion all over again? Keeling secrets and leading Enid into dangerous places. She was not about having a repeat of those things.

Yet she couldn't bring herself to start a conversation. She didn't know how to. She didn't want to push, and what if it was bad?

What if Wednesday had seen someone die just like she had before? Could Enid even handle knowing information like that?

Enid pushes her plate away at the thought. Appetite officially lost.

"Shall we return to my family?" Wednesday asks as she stands, breaking the silence between the two.

"Yeah, I guess so." Enid resigns and goes to stand as well, only to have a hand rest on her shoulder. Effectively stopping her movement up.

"Allow me, mon loup chéri." Wednesday speaks lightly. She pulls Enid's chair back effortlessly and holds a hand out for her.

It's almost like Wednesday can feel Enid's anxiety about the two of them. Yet she never speaks of it.

Enid gives Wednesday her hand to be pulled up. Before Wednesday releases the wolf, she gives her knuckles a light kiss.

Enid's heart flutters at the light touch of cold lips. It's then she's wondering about how they'd feel pressed against her own lips.

She shakes her head to rid the thought.

And within the small moment, it's broken so swiftly. Wednesday, let's go and returns her arms to her side, instead opening the kitchen door and allowing Enid to exit first.

It was going to be a long couple of days. Both girls thought as they returned to the main area.


sooo I needed another climax situation for this story besides the Two just struggling to be in the relationship... so thoughts?

Who's gonna show up?

What's gonna happen?

(Don't worry no one dies.. or maybe they do i dont know yet.)

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