Enid's going where?

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Enid's POV:

As soon as Wednesday and I finished packing, I told her I had to go say goodbye to Yoko and Ajax. While that was true, it wasn't the whole truth...

"YOKO!" I screamed, bursting into her room. She whipped around with what I could only assume to be surprise behind those sunglasses of hers.

"Enid? What's go you in a fit?" She cocks one of her eyebrows up showing her interest in my feelings as always.

"WEDNESDAY.. JUST.. INVITED.. ME. TO. STAYWITHHERFAMILY" My sentence started off choppy but quickly became rushed. Almost like I believed saying it out loud would make me wake up from this amazing dream.

"Woah, let me see if I heard you right. Wednesday invited you to stay with her family?!' Yoko was holding back her real thoughts I could tell she was just as surprised as me.

"YES YES YES" was all I could say in response. Of course Yoko knew about my newly developed feelings for my goth roomie. Her and I spent most of the night texting, both due to terrible nightmares and to my new Found feelings.

Now I know it must sound crazy. I tried to convince myself that Ajax was the guy for me. A perfect mate, but really. I was just trying to be what everyone wanted me to be. Wednesday though, she brought out the strong, independent, and unbothered girl I was dying to be.

"Enid!" Yoko shouts drawing me out of my thoughts. I must of missed an important question because she was staring at me just over the rim of her glasses.

"Girl, are you going to tell Wednesday or not?" She folded her arms over her chest and gave me a pointed look. Ugh! Ww both knew that Wednesday did not care about feelings. Let alone would ever feel the same towards me.

"Yoko, we have been over this. Wednesday is not the type of girl to fall for anyone, let alone her loud, colorful, and emotional roommate." My voice really gave away my feelings as I said that. Sure it hurt to be drawn to the one person on the planet that had zero interests in feelings. I mean Wednesday loved homicide more than she could love anything. It was doomed from the start, that doesn't mean my feelings are stopping though. They just keep getting.. stronger.

"You may be emotional, but maybe that is just what Wednesday needs. Someone to balance out her dry unemotional darkness with bright overbearing joy." Yoko almost laughed at her own comment. We both knew that was absolutely crazy.

"Thanks Yoko, you really know how to both chill me out and cheer me up, I think." I say and then we both break into laughter. It's comfortable for us and Yoko has always had my back. If it weren't for Wednesday she'd definitely be my best friend.

"Alright, I got to go talk to Ajax before meeting back around with Wednesday and her family. Bye Yoko, I'll text you!" I shout behind me as I open the door and head out. I can hear a faint "you better tell me all the tea" before the door shuts. I smile and continue on my way.

I had gotten lost in my thoughts again.. yes about Wednesday. When I suddenly bumped into someone.

"Ouch, what the hell man" I grumbled getting myself together and looking up. Shit, Ajax.

"Oh, sorry, Enid, that's my bad." He gave me a small smile and backed up a bit. Tension was instantly in the air and I didn't know how to let him down easily. After all we just started a relationship like 3 days ago.

"Hey Ajax, glad I bumped into you. I actually gotta tell you something before we all leave for break!" I tried my best to sound cheery and like my usual self but I'm sure he felt the weight of my words.

"Oh yeah sure, what's up?" He asks and I lead him over to a bench. Things are easier to talk about when sitting, right?

"Okay so listen, you're q really great friend and I really like you..." Ajax pipes up to cut me off which makes me even more confused.

"..But you have feelings for someone else that you dont understand? Possibly for a rather dark haired short girl that obsessed with mystery?" He smiles over at me sheepishly.

My mouth literally drops, like hits the floor. How could he of found out? Literally only Yoko and Thing knew about my feelings.

"Don't look so suprised, I know you all think I'm a little slow, but I know a look of love when I see one. Enid, you ran into Wednesday's arms last night. Hugged her tighter than you could of hugged anyone. You had just fought a hyde and still found strength to hug her so tight." He looked off towards everyone leaving, I could see it in his eyes there was just a touch of hurt. He blinked it away quickly though, probably trying to spare my feelings.

"Now go Enid, go figure out what you two can have. Wednesday hugged you back. Clearly you are special to her. She doesn't even stand remotely close to people." He stood after thar and began to walk his own way.

"Ajax wait.." I stood to grab his wrist quickly. "Thank you, for understanding and I hope we can continue to be friends." I said trying to blink away the tears forming. He really was a special guy just not the one for me.

He smiled back at me, "always Enid, Nevermore crew for life." And with that off he went. Now there was just one more thing to do.

"Wednesday!" I said skipping up behind the beautiful goth girl. Shit, I mean, my bestie. I mean sure she's beautiful but keep it together girl.

"Enid, you made it back just in time. Lurch is finishing packing everything up. It's time to head home." Wednesday turned towards the car.

Holy shit, did she mean to call it home? Was that intentional or accidental?? Oh my God I can't even ask her what she means. Time to just get in the car.

(HI okay, took a stab at writing Enid's view. Not sure if I really accomplished her character or not. But hope it reads well! I work weekends so might not update till Monday I dont know yet! Thanks for reading!)

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