The Mysterious Mansion

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Wednesday's POV

The walk back to the house was gloriously silent. Enid was still absorbed with the property around her.

It was nearing lunch time, and the two girls really needed to make it back inside as the sky had clouded over.

'My favorite time of day,' I thought, a small quirk twitching in my lips. I instantly composed myself again.

"Wednesday, does it rain here often?" Enid asked as she looked up towards the sky.

"Only around our home." I retort effortlessly. It was true. The Addam's family brought dreary everywhere with them.

We cross the threshold of the house and enter the kitchen. I had been thinking all day how to tell Enid about my house.

How to explain the darkest corners and how the only rooms she'd find would be ones she looked for. Indeed, the house was just as strange as the family.

As we sat in the dining area, grandmama brought out some food for us both.

"Oh wow!" Enid exclaimed at the sight of her lunch. Grandmama had specifically made Enid's favorite meat, obviously.

"Eat up girls, you Two were out most of the day," grandmama said, giving me a knowing smile. To which I glared at her. Of course, she got the message and exited.

"Enid, I need to let you know something before we continue the tour." I say, turning to her.

"What is it, Weds?" She says back without glancing my way, too focused on her food.

I ignored my disdain of the new nickname but decided to move on.

"In this house, you are only able to find the rooms you seek. It's a very interesting place, but to outsiders maneuvering the space is difficult. I can not simply show you every room because even I have not found everything hidden. Although I can show you the simplest areas that shine through. I believe you have seen them all already, though." Hopefully, Enid would be able to understand what I was trying to say here.

Enid stops eating and glances over at her best friend, or roomie, or her something.

"Okay, so I have to explore myself to find anything that not the kitchen, living room, bathroom, and my bedroom?" She asked after a couple of seconds of thought. Great, she got it.

"Yes, pretty much." I let out a small breath, one even Enid couldn't hear, as relief.

When Enid was finished, I grabbed out two plates and walked them into the kitchen area, and placed them in the sink. Upon returning, Enid was already standing and waiting.

"So if you can't show me around inside, what do we do now?" She asks, turning to me. Sounding hopeful and nervous at the same time. It's almost like she didn't want us to go our separate ways yet.

"Well, you may explore the house if you wish. Or we can return upstairs. Either way, it is now my time to practice Cello on the balcony." I see Enid going back and forth between what to do. Like an internal battle for herself.

I would never admit that I wanted her to come with me. Even though that would mean I would get barely anything done.

"I'll come with you! I can catch up with Yoko while you practice! You won't even know I'm there." She's gleaming ear to ear, and it takes every ounce of control to not smile back at her. I hate these feelings she brings up inside of me. I can't seem to rid myself of them, though. I will just have to accept my Addam's fate.

I am certain she will not sit quietly while I practice, but still. I am almost glad she is joining me.

We leave the kitchen, and Enid follows me back up the stairs. Closer than necessary as always, but I don't tell her to move back. I just try and fail to control my beating heart. To which I must hope beyond hope Enid can't hear it.

She can. Obviously, she can. I know too much about werewolf ability to ignore the truth.

We make it to the top of the stairs and go into my room. Enid helps me bring the cello outside, which is admittedly a lot more help than Thing could ever give. I'll have to tell him of this new update later.

Once the Cello was set, Enid walked over to lean against the balcony's banister. She looked beautiful in the setting sun. It's almost like a real ray of sunshine in my presence. It was horrific, but I also couldn't turn away.

"Enid," my brain spoke before I could filter out what it was going to say. I knew what was itching to come out. I just couldn't yet bring myself to tell her about these feelings inside of me.

My family had always made it clear to me what real and true love would feel like. I was, however, opposed to feeling it, I knew with Tyler and Xavier there was nothing I felt.

With Enid, the world shifted. Although we were nothing alike, we fit into each other's lives. Ms. Thornhill was right when she said Enid brought a spark to my life. Little did I know that spark would turn into a whole electrical storm.

Engulfing my life and jolting all of my deeply buried feelings back into my heart. Disgustingly, I had failed to get them back under control. Ans now, every time this girl got too close, I could feel everything changing.

"Wednesday?" The familiar voice brought me back. Enid was closer than before, too close. I jumped back a bit, not realizing I had gone down an internal rabbit hole.

"Did you need to ask me something?" She asks and takes a step back to give me the personal space I needed. I could not let her know how grateful that made me.

"Yes, I just wanted to make sure you did not need anything before I started." That was a complete lie.

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