After You

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Wednesday's thoughts:

Wednesday has barely had enough time to comprehend what she was doing before she did it. She'd caught Enid so effortlessly that it even surprised her. It is weird what love makes you do, she thought, seeing as if it were anyone else she'd let them fall.

Both girls were staring at each other now. All air felt like it was sucked out of the room. Neither girl was ready to let go of the moment, that is, until Wednesday's arm started to shake slightly.

She pulled Enid up, immediately letting go of her hand when she got her balance. She was feeling unsure about herself.

Wednesday and Enid both knew they needed to talk about their mini argument, now though, the room was filling with tension. Wednesday normally would be thriving in such an environment. Not now, though. She was growing fidgety. She didn't know how to begin.

"Wednesday?" Enid asked. She had a faint blush on her cheeks. Wednesday couldn't help but study the fresh scar marks on the other girls face. They were magnificent. Yet she wouldn't outright admit that.

Enid's head tilted, and she smiled down at Wednesday.

"I apologize if I made you feel inadequate the other day." Wednesday spoke up. She wasn't one for apologies. She was hardly ever in the wrong, well that's how she felt.

"You didn't. Really, I shouldn't have gotten so upset with you! I shouldn't have even answered my mom's call." Enid whined. She wasn't a fan of being upset with Wednesday.

"You can fight your own battles, Enid. It's not my place to step in them. Not now or ever." Wednesday held her head higher. Her heart was now constantly yelling to protect Enid. She knew Enid could fend for herself, so why was she so protective?

It's not your place that's true, but you have my best interest at heart, I'd hope." Enid said. She'd crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

Wednesday watched Enid's movements. She was lightly bounckng on her toes. Clearly, she was not comfortable in the conversation, going through her own thoughts in her mind. Wednesday knew why she was so protective of this girl. She was the light to her darkness, something she'd now forever be chasing after. Her own ball of light, she had to keep it. Had to keep it as bright as possible. The only way to do that was to protect Enid from anything that could hurt her.

But, often, Wednesday was the center of Enid's pain. At least since they had met, Enid had nearly died twice thanks to her. Why was this werewolf even still speaking to her? Especially after the Gate's Mansion incident.

"I dont understand." Wednesday sent a slight glare at the girl, turning on her heels to sit at her desk. She couldn't look at Enid anymore. Her heart was hammering, and she knew the wolf could hear it.

"What don't you understand?" Enid perked up, confusion painting her expression.

Anger was boiling up inside of Wednesday. She was mad. Mad at herself for caring after all she'd done to Enid. How could she say she had feelings for her after everything she'd already done?

Wednesday once told Biance she wished she cared a little but more about what others thought about her. Truly, she wished she could understand how so many people still see good in her.

Tyler, Xavier, Weems. They all saw something in her she never could. Enid had seen it too, but for a moment, she was smart enough to back away, and then both girls were pulled right back to each other.

Wednesday's never been more than a pit of darkness to most people, and she had learned to live with that. With darkness came loneliness, and Wednesday had found she didn't mind solitude.

Until that moment, Enid left, and it crushed her, brought back everything. Changed her.

"How you could want someone like me in your life." Wednesday said she wasn't normally one for spiraling thoughts or dispair, sure she could be dramatic. But not normally in the feelings department.

Enid was driving her crazy, definitely.

"Don't beat down on yourself Wednesday. You're the best, well, okay, maybe not. You bring out a part of me I would have never found without you. I'm more confident than ever! All because of you. Sure, you're a bit homicidal and weird as shit, but we fit." Enid comes closer again, spinning Wednesday's chair around.

The tension was beginning to crawl back. Enid was far too close, mentally and physically.

"We shouldn't, but we do." Wednesday said back, repeating Enid's words to her from back at school.

"We do." Enid smiles at her, not the overly bright smile Enid often has but a sickly sweet type look. Something different than Wednesday expected.

Her pulse was rising again, too close for comfort.

Too close was all she could hear.

POV switch Enid:

Enid was staring down at her with her mist comforting smile. She could feel the other girls heartbeat going a mile a minute. Enid was worried for the girl in front of her so quickly began to move back, giving her the space she always demanded.

Enid was able to read Wednesday well. She, of course, knew that already. It was a surprise to see just how confused it made the other girl. Wednesday's heart beat slowed slightly, then spiked again as if she realized Enid was trying to make her comfortable.

Enid was terrified of pushing Wednesday's boundaries, and since the beginning, she took extra care with the dark-haired girl. She wanted to show she respected her.

Because she did, she had always respected Wednesday. She is absolutely a natural go-getter, and although despised by many, she couldn't be bothered to care. Unlike Enid, who almost cried at any sudden voice change.

They were so different that everything fit together perfectly, matched puzzle pieces, or a seamless poem as Wednesday might say.

Enid smiled down at Wednesday again, that same small noticeably different smile. One reserved only for Wednesday to see, yet she didn't even know it.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Wednesday deadpanned as best she could, her pulse thudding again.

"I just like to smile at you." Enid quipped right back, not faltering for a second at Wednesday's sharp glare.

Wednesday glanced around the room, tensions were on the ride again, her heart with it. Enid knew something was about to happen.

She wasn't prepared for an earthquake.

Wednesday inhaled deeply, or as deeply as Wednesday did.

"Enid, I have something to tell you."

Shit was about to go down.

(Hello! This book reached 10k reads and I dont even understand how or like what's going on. It's crazy to think anyone has seen this book or waits for the next part to come out! I appreciate everyone that is reading and continue to read this book! Thanks for making this feel like an accomplishment.

Hope you all Enjoy another cliff-hanger. But I do have the confession for Wednesday done.

I'm just not sure where to go with the book once I get to the confession part, I do have a small plot line thought that might work that I haven't seen from any book yet personally.)

Also this chapter without the Notes is 1,111 words.. I just love 1s.

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