Overprotective Much?

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(A/N Buckle up, this was gonna be a fun family chapter, but writing based on how I feel is easier. So let's welcome Enid's family to this chapter and Wednesday's family next chapter)

Enid's Thoughts:

Enid awoke to a loud ringing. It startled her so badly that she nearly fell off the bed. She remembered the picnic yesterday first and wondered how she'd ended up in Wednesday bed after falling asleep in the woods.

That was something to contemplate later, though, as the persistent ringing started up again. Enid found her phone quickly, the source of the ear piercing sound.

She was still groggy but went out on the balcony to answer her phone, not wanting to disturb Wednesday's slumber.

To Enid's dismay, it was her mother calling her at the nearly 6 AM time.

"Hello?" Enid said. She hadn't yet checked the caller ID. Just put the phone up to her ear.

"Why aren't you home?!" Came the all too familiar shouting of the one and only Esther Sinclair, Enid's overbearing mother. This was the first time Enid had even heard from a family member since the school closed.

Really since family day when they visited.

"I'm staying with Wddnesday, I sent you a message." Enid stood her ground, trying to sound unfazed by the beratment she was about to get.

"You told me no such thing. You always do this. You can not just do whatever you want. Enid, you're not an adult yet! You're such a disappointment to this family." Esther shouted through the phone. Not even giving her daughter a moment to speak.

Enid moved the phone from her ear slightly, and her hands were already beginning to shake as she tried to keep tears from slipping out. She wasn't going to let her mom ruin the time she's been having.

"It's like you don't even care about this family. Running off to God knows where without even giving us a call. We thought you were dead! We had no idea what was going on, Enid. For all we knew, you could have turned into a rogue! But at least then you would've been a wolf." Esther continued on her rant. Nothing mattered to her besides spewing every horrible thing Enid could ever do.

Enid was so focused on controlling herself that she didn't hear Wednesday joining her on the balcony.

And what happened next, both shocked and angered Enid. She really couldn't decide what she felt at that moment.

Wednesday had grabbed the phone from her hands, put it to her ear, and said. "Mrs. Sinclair, as much as it does disrupt my life, Enid will be staying here. She has no reason to return to her home when she is treated like dirt. Quite frankly listening to you drown on and on about your daughter is like nails to a chalkboard, and normally I enjoy such tortures. Refrain from calling again, or I will have no choice but to find you." And then she hung up the phone.

Enid took the phone back. She was shaking more now. A mix of anger and sadness fueled her. Now, she felt like Wednesday saw her as something to save. Like she had to step in and pull her out of whatever trouble she was in. It made her mom's words ring in her head.

She was becoming a lone wolf, no pack, no family, and even her best friend felt she couldn't handle herself.

"You didn't have to do that, I can handle myself Wednesday." Enid found herself speaking before she had even considered what she was saying.

"You've been out here for an hour, Enid. You weren't even speaking. You were just listening to her." Wednesday quicker an eyebrow at her, clearly confused by the anger in Enid's face.

"So? You didn't need to step in. I'm not some helpless puppy on the side of the road." Enid growled, she needed to get away. She could feel her nails starting to become sharper.

"I would not pick up a puppy I found on the road." Wednesday said, she clearly hadn't understood Enid's analogy.

Enid just huffed and stormed off to the guest room. Leaving Wednesday baffled on the balcony, never quite understanding where she went wrong.

When Enid arrived at the guest room, she began pacing. She needed to calm down before she could even think about anything.

She took a deep breath, focusing on slowing her heart down. Trying to remind herself that Wednesday probably didn't mean to make her upset.

She wasn't mad at Wednesday anyways, she was mad that she was right. Why had she sat there and let her mother ramble on? She had stood up for herself before, why not now?

Just then, Thing scurried under the door crack, patting at Enid's shoe.

She glanced down at him and sighed, picking him up and putting him on her unmade bed.

"What is it?" She asked the hand, putting on an unamused face. She had to swap away a few tears that had begun to fall.

"Wednesday didn't mean to upset you. She was just trying to help." He signed quickly. He didn't like it when his two favorite people fought.

"I know Thing, it was just the wrong moment. I'm not mad at her." Enid said back, taking a seat next to the hand.

"You should explain that to her." He signed back to her.

"I will, I just need to calm down and figure out what is going on with me. I didn't like the way I talked to her, honestly." Enid took a second to contemplate that. It had hurt her to talk to Wednesday in that tone. She didn't like it. Didn't like feeling angry at the other girl.

Thing gave her his typical movement of a nod and then went on his way.

Enid's mind was just beginning to run wild. Wednesday made her feel so many things. Safe, comforted, appreciated, and understood. She knew she annoyed the shorter girl, but somehow, she was changing their dynamic.

She was changing the Addams girl for the better, and Wednesday was giving Enid the confidence she needed to be her own person. To be true to herself.

Wednesday was protective of her, sometimes to a fault. But Enid was, too. She'd find anyone who hurt Wednesday.

"Shit.." Enid said, her heart rate rising again, a revelation setting in. Her stomach had let loose a swarm of butterflies. Her wolf had been correct, things aren't always as you'd expect them to be.

"Mate." Was all she could say.

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