Full Moon Antics

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Enid's thoughts:

Enid woke with a jump, heavy breathing, and ready to fight anything close. This feeling didn't help when she realized she was being held firmly by a pale arm.

Her first thought was to start fighting whoever it was, but after a quick breath, she quickly remembered the light rain like scent. Wednesday was next to her.

Not only that, but Wednesday was holding her. The last thing Enid could remember was their very intense staring contest before Wednesday rushed away, and she decided to sleep.

Pushing aside her thoughts about what on earth was going on. She slowly and delicately moved out of Wednesday's grasp. Trying desperately not to wake the girl up because she knew they'd have to talk about it if she were awake.

Enid really wasn't ready for that conversation or any conversation about the two of them for thar matter. She felt drained, even though she'd just woken up.

Enid knew she hadn't been sleeping well since their last night at nevermore. How could she? Between wolfing out, fighting a Hyde, thinking her best friend had died, and then hugging her for the first time. There was just too much to Unpack still.

The other issue was that the full moon was 3 days away. Her first full moon since wolfing out for the first time, and she was beyond anxious.

At the start of the week, Enid's mind had started filling with "what if"s from the first wolf out being a fluke to never being able to shift back. She was terrified.

Though worst of all was the nagging voice in her head, the voice that sounded a lot like her mother's. It was whispering that she was a disappointment, that she couldn't even be a werewolf correftly. It was driving her mad.

To add to all of it, every single one of her nightmares the last week was her running as a wolf through the woods, hearing Wednesday shout for help but never finding her. It was tearing her up inside.

She didn't know how to tell Wednesday or if she really needed to tell her. All she knew was that she needed to prepare for any disaster.

Enid had finally calmed herself down enough to walk over to her room. She was still keeping all her clothes in there even though she kept finding her way to Wednesday's room.

She grabbed her outfit and changed quickly. It was always cold in the Addams house, so she decided to add her bright pink snood to her outfit as an afterthought.

It also made her realize that she still needed to make Wednesday a replacement for the one she lost at the Gate's mansion. Maybe that's something she could do to distract herself from everything else.

Enid jumped at a knock at the door, too lost in her thoughts about snoops to hear the familiar sound of Wednesday's boots walking up.

She opened the door and smiled at her friend.

"Howdy!" Enid exclaimed somehow bursting with excitement already.

"Breakfast is ready for you whenever you are done." Wednesday said curtly, turning to leave down the hall.

Odd, Wednesday had never made a point of Enid eating before. Of course, she never really had to. Werewolf appetite and all.

Enid again pushed her thoughts to the side, walked out the door, and hurried after Wednesday.

They walked down the stairs together, Enid giving a light bump to Wednesday's shoulder as she caught up. The gloomy girl didn't flinch like she used to.

That, of course, made Enid smile even more.

"If you smile any wider, your face might split in two." Wednesday stated as they got to the kitchen. Not even looking at Enid's face. Wednesday seemed to be avoiding eye contact today, which was not her normal.

"Well, I guess we will have to wait and find out!" Enid didn't even hesitate with her response. Her and the shorter girl just seemed to work. Neither of them questioned that.

Enid stopped dead in her tracks upon entering the kitchen. There was clearly more food than normal set aside for them. She thought her face might actually split apart at how happy she felt.

It didn't take a genius to know that Wednesday had told her family of the coming full moon, which meant Enid needed more to eat at all meals.

Enid could feel her face heating up. She knew the gloomy girl cared for her. It just didn't occur to her how much.

Maybe she didn't need to worry so much about this full moon. She had Wedneday to help her.

Enid had gratefully eaten everything given to her. It took no time for her to feel the dread she had woken up with start to fade slightly.

"Enid, as I am sure you are aware, the full moon is in 3 days." Wednesday spoke as soon as she could tell the other girl had finished her meal.

"Yeah, I know." And there the dread was again. It poured through Enid and overtook her everything she thought about what might happen.

"Okay, what can I do to help you prepare for it?" Wednesday asked. She was offering her help.

Enid was confused for a moment. Was this her same best friend that had nearly gotten her killed and showed little care? The same girl she was growing so fond of.

"Well, you've already helped. The food was great. I really just need to know where to go when it's the full moon night. Like at school, they cage us up. I dont suppose you have cages?" Enid asked, kind of hoping for a no, but kind of expecting a yes. After all, this house did have a dungeon.

"Yes, we have cages, although I do not think that is necessary for you here. If you prefer..."

"No! I would rather not be confined to a cage, thanks." Enid spoke up quickly, cutting Wednesday off before she could even finish the thought.

"Very well, we have a couple of rooms you could stay in, the forest, the tower, or just being outside. Whatever works for you." Wednesday said, although she was glaring at Enid for rudely cutting her off.

"I.. I dont really know how I'm going to act. If.." Enid let the words die on her tongue. She wanted to ask the other girl if she'd be willing to stay with her, but she was also worried she could hurt her. Or worse, kill her.

Although Wednesdag might not find that option the worst. She'd really rather not have it be an option.

"If what Enid, you do not need to be scared of asking for something." Wednesday almost seemed to have read her mind.

"If you're willing to stay with me, I'd like to just stay outside the house." Enid said, both blushing and staring hard at the ground. She was worried about asking too much of Wednesday. They were in unfamiliar territory.

"Of course, if that is what you need then, it shall be done." Wednesday didn't even miss a beat. But Enid's heart might have missed a couple.

It didn't even cross her mind in the moment of why Wednesday was doing so much for her. She was too filled with worry and anxiety to really notice.

To notice the softness behind the Addams girl's eyes. To see the plan forming.

With the plan in order for Enid's next full moon, she felt better. Something was still chipping away at her resolve, though.

"Hey, Wednesday?" Enid stood from her seat and walked over to the shorter girl.

"Yes?" Wednesday looked up at her. She was still sitting, but she really looked at Enid for the first time that day. Maybe hearing the urgency in her voice.

"What if.. what if I don't shift? What if I never do again?" Enid had to stop herself from shaking, she was so worried.

"You will, and if you don't, it will not change that you are a wonderful, although annoyingly so, rainbow of a person. And I will still call you my f.. friend." Wednesday, who was always so beautifully spoken, had said it. Hesitantly, yes, but she had called Enid her friend.

And Enid might have just passed out if the lifeless eyes of her best friend hadn't been staring at her with so much life.

Enid was done for. Stupidly in love with her best friend, who hated emotion and couldn't even call someone a friend without hesitating. But she didn't care.

She couldn't care about that.

Not yet anyways.

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