To Hold or To Be Held

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Enid's thoughts:

After Wednesday rushed off to find her brother, and Enid had finally got her squealing under control. She immediately texted Yoko because. Why wouldn't she?


Mosquito Bestie: Enid wtf is this name?

Dog Breath: Do not complain to me rn, like mine is any better

Mosquito Bestie: okay fine fine. What's up?

Dog Breath: I have exciting news!!

Mosquito Bestie: SPILL 🫖

Dog Breath: Wednesday just confessed everything! We are officially together as of like 30 mins ago!!!

Mosquito Bestie: OMG YES but also, 30 mins??! Enid wtf.

Dog Breath: I needed time to chill out! I swear I was gonna wolf out for a min there

Mosquito Bestie: I can't be mad at you, I nearly blacked out when D and I made it official.

Dog Breath: exactlyyyyyyy

Mosquito Bestie: well first let's do this

*Dog Breath's name has been changed to Emo Girl's wolf*

Emo Girl's wolf: Seriously?

Mosquito Bestie: Obviously

*Mosquito Bestie's name has been changed to Original Wenclair Shipper*

Emo Girl's wolf: Welcome to the club

Original Wenclair Shipper: Jokes on you. I like this name

Emo Girl's wolf: Ugghh.

Original Wenclair Shipper: Enough of this. Tell me everything!

Emo Girl's wolf: Yoks, it was honestly the best thing ever!

*End of Texts*

Wednesday's thoughts:

Although Enid was mostly correct that Wednesday had run off after Pugsley, she had also gone to her parents.

They were eagerly awaiting the news from their daughter.

After tying Pugsley to his ceiling with ease, Wednesday went to find her parents.

They were together dancing in the main room. Pubert was, poorly, playing the piano. Wednesday watched for a moment in pure disgust of her family, sending up a silent prayer to where she was not sure, so that Enid and her would never be like them.

Sure, she loved Enid, sure she was falling into the long-standing family curse to love someone unconditionally for all of your life.

But Wednesday Addams would never display affections in such manors.

Her parents were leaning heavily on each other, half dancing half trying to become one person. Wednesday hated it with a passion, more so than she hated people. She could never imagine such displays being part of her life.

She mentally noted to speak about the lines of their new relationship with Enid. She had to make sure the overly touchy werewolf understood their agreement.

Maybe she should type up an agreement.

"Wednesday dear!" Morticia turned to her only daughter, finally noticing her presence in the room.

At school, the moment Wednesday entered a room, it was brushed over with a certain chill and her presence was known. At home, no such thing happened. She found she hated that more than all the eyes turning to her at school. She quite liked making others uncomfortable. She had no such pleasure at home.

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