The Addams

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Wednesday'S POV:

I guess you could say I have feelings for a werewolf. Of course, my first run-in with feelings would have me falling for a monstrous killer. This second time around again has me falling for a killer beast. Although, if Enid could really be a killer was up for debate.

Enid and I had spent the morning and afternoon packing up all of our belongings. School had swiftly been canceled after principal Weems murder. Normally, this would bring me some form of joy, but Weems did always have my back, so I am rather solemn about leaving.

Enid seemed even sadder than I had ever seen. It was likely because she was not happy about going home so soon. If I remember correctly, her mother was not the best.

"Enid, what are your plans for this extended break from school?" I asked, closing my typewriter into its safe box.

Enid did not respond instantly. Really, she just kind of made a face before puffing out some air.
"I'm not sure Wednesday, I actually haven't even heard from my mom yet." She glanced over at her phone. Worry creasing her eyebrows.

I hesitated a bit before asking the question I knew I should. Enid had just been through some crazy stuff due to me. It was only right that I try to make life a little easier for her.

"If you would like.. you could always come stay with my family. I'm sure my parents would love to know I am.. making friends as they would say, " I say this only glancing in her direction, but I can instantly see the growing smile on her face.

"Seriously?! Oh my God, Wednesday you're the best best friend ever!" She shouts in the overly joyous voice of hers while hoping up and down. I must say it made me flinch a small bit less today than it had before.

"Don't make me change my mind." Was all I could bite back in response before whipping my head around. My packing was basically complete, but I could not bear to look at the girl any longer.

"Of course I would like to stay with you Wednesday! We can keep being roomies! Not to mention, it'd really save my butt." She giggles to herself and twirls around to finish grabbing those sickly, colorful plushies of hers.

I could not help the feeling of a smile bubbling up inside of me. Yes, I was almost happy of her agreeing to come stay with us. I am not sure I could handle being away from Enid this entire break, honestly.

I guess it is true what my family has always said, once you let in one feeling, they all come crashing back. I foolishly allowed myself to care for multiple people here, and now I am stuck.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. My whole family was standing in the doorway. It's like they traveled in their own pack. Enid would fit right in, of course, if she wasn't so brightly colored that is.

"Mother, father. I need to ask a favor, I have invited Enid to come stay with us. Her family has yet to get in touch with her, and it is not safe to stay here alone." I stated, trying to keep all emotion from my voice. My family would be drastically annoying if they found out Enid was my friend. Let alone that I had found myself falling for her.

"Of course she can, any Friend of Wednesday's is always welcome in our home." My mother says this while turning to give me a wink. Without words, she can tell already this new girl is special. I can only glare back, silently telling her to keep her mouth shout. Luckely, for once, she does.

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