Friday's My Girlfriend

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(A/N, not me literally setting aside writing time rn... such a Wednesday move)

Enid's thoughts:

Wednesday had just elegantly admitted she had feelings for Enid, now she was pulling back from the best hug Enid had ever had to look the taller girl in the eyes expectingly.

See, Enid knew she had yet to actually speak any words or say her true feelings back to Wednesday.

Her mind was just running a mile a minute. Her heart was hammering from the heart-felt words she'd just heard. She could hardly believe them, but this was Wednesday. She'd never say something she doesn't mean.

That's what made Enid the happiest, the fact that Wednesday could be so heartfelt and open with her.

She needed to speak before Wednesday got the wrong idea, though, and she just couldn't start blurring out how much she loved Wednesday, for fear of stressing her out. It did take a whole monologue just for the shorter girl to say she loved Enid.

Just thinking about it made Enid's heart flutter again.

Before she could doubt herself anymore, she launched into her own confession. She needed to tell Wednesday what she'd figured out. Now was the time.

With her arms still around her soon to be partner, she squeezed the smaller girl tighter for a moment, slowing her besting heart just a bit.

"You mean everything to me Wednesday. Thank you so much for saying all you did. I can't imagine that was incredibly easy for you." Enid began, pulling from the embrace just a bit. Now the two girls stood hand in hand, the eye contact between them grounding each girl.

"It was not." Wednesday said matter-o-factly, a hint of a grimace on her face.

"I know. This is why I appreciate it so much more. We both know you and I are less than perfect individuals. We have our own different issues and things to learn. I just know that together we can help each other be the best possible person. I won't try to make you any less homicidal, but I will always be there to save you from prison." Enid giggled at her own words. What had this Gothic queen done to her?

"That would be an ideal arrangement." Wednesday commented back, an almost quirk of her lips that Enid took as a smile.

"Wednesday, you remind me that sometimes it's okay to sew the darker side of things. You show me the beauty in the dark and dreary. I never thought I'd want to be somewhere where it's almost always cloudy."

A lightning strike hit then far enough to see outside the window perfectly, Wednesday's face lights up for a moment, and Enid sees the world in front of her. It makes her breath hitch.

"But you've shown me the night is a silent beauty. Rainy days are the reason the flowers I love are blooming, and there's something so elegant about black and white together." Enid was fighting back her tears at this point. Putting everything she had into her words was difficult for someone who often spoke in touch.

"You're doing well, bellissima principessa." Wednesday says, she brushes a few of the tears that had slipped from Enid's face. Encouraging the werewolf.

It made Enid's heart skip. She started to worry that if it skipped much more, she might die.

"I knew there was something between us since the night on the balcony at Nevermore. You shared something with me to attempt to comfort me. Although it was less than comforting, I saw you trying. I always wondered why, why you decided I could see a vulnerable side of you. I still don't really understand it, or you for that matter. I just know I'd spend my whole life learning to understand you. I dont expect things to be perfect, I expect us to bump heads often, actually, but I know we can figure it out." Enid was starting to lose it now. She was coming to exactly what she needed to say.

She took a deep breath, ready to dive head first into what will likely be the craziest relationship ever.

"I love you Wednesday, I know this is meant to be. You're my destined forever, mate. I couldn't have asked for a better, more challenging, head-strong, stubborn, grumpy, weirdo to hold my heart."

Enid let out a slow exhale as the words settled on Wednesday.

Enid knew her words were nowhere near the level of Wednesday, but hey, she wasn't a novelist.

Wednesday's face showed nothing, Enid wonder for a moment if this would always be their life. Her deciphering what Wednesday was thinking by the most subtle facial moves or if she'd one day begin to show her true emotions outwardly.

Wednesday, speaking jumped Enid back to reality, away from the thoughts of them having a life together.

"There's much for us to figure out. I appreciate you telling me what you know and I accept. Is there a proper courting ritual for mates?" Wendesday asks. She's got a slight sparkle of curiosity behind those dark eyes of hers.

"I.. I honestly don't know. I can ask one of my brothers for some info, I guess." Enid kind of shrugs, she'd really rather not talk to any of the family.

"Nonsense. We will use the family library, we Addam's have a rather large library here in the house." Wednesday clearly was also not a fan of Enid reaching out to her family. Not yet anyway.

There was just one thing still itching Enid's brain.

"Wednesday, what does this make us?" Enid asked, hoping she already knew the answer.

"I am rather new to the terms, but I would say this makes us girlfriends if you are alright with that title." Wednesday breaks eye contact at that, uncharacteristically nervous for Enid's answer.

Repressing a squeal.

"Yes, I'm completely alright with that! I can't believe the Wednesday Friday Addams is my girlfriend." Enid is now bouncing with pure excitement.

"One. Stop the bouncing you'll break the floor. Two. I do not hate the title. Three. Who on this planet told you my middle name? Enid, I need names. Now." Wednesday's eyes bore into Enid's with a barely held fury.


"Before I tell you, can I kiss you?" Enid chances the question, holding her breath.

"I will allow a cheek kiss only at this time." Wednesday stiffens slightly at Enid's light kiss.

It was a quick cheek peck, and it would stay as such until Wednesday was comfortable with anything else. What mattered to Enid was Wednesday being comfortable. Moving at the darker girls own pace.

"Now tell me, who." Wednesday folds her arms and levels a glare at her new partner.


Wednesday was heading for the door instantly.

AND DONT YOU HURT HIM!" Enid shouted out the door. She knew it was useless, but she had to try, to giddy to go save the young boy in that moment.

"Wednesday Addams is my girlfriend!" She squealed lightly to herself. Flopping on to Wednesday's bed and inhaling the scent deeply.

(A/N. It's only been 4 days since my last update but for some reason it feels like forever ago?? I'm so busy with school right now it might be a while before the next one so just a warning!

Also I have a funny one-shot ides that may be added to my one-shot story soon about Enid and Wednesday watching reality tv... i dont know why but it just seems so funny to me.

Anyways! Yay they are officially together!)

The Raven - Wenclair *Complete*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora