Pressurized Moments

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*A/N next few chapters are from Enid's view to build up tension, get excited*

Enid's Thoughts

Enid had once again found herself walking into Wednesday's room late in the night. It made her wonder why she even tried to sleep in that awful guest room.

It also made her smile, because she felt like a small child sneaking into her brother's rooms after having a hard time sleeping. Except she knew Wednessay would let her in. She always would.

Before Enid even got the chance to knock the door was opening foe her to enter. Because it was becoming a habit for the two girls.

"Enid." Wednesday spoke quietly in the dark of the room. She was finishing up her writing and place the freshly typed papers into their container.

Enid couldn't help the small chill that ran up her spine when looking at the shorter girl, Wednesday almost always gave off the feeling of power, but the waves of it were stronger after she'd completed her writing. Especially when she felt good about it.

This, of course, was what Enid thought Wednesday was feeling proud of. What else would there be?

Enid bounced over to the bed they had been sharing, flopping down effortlessly. It was more than natural, it was comfortable between the two.

Wednesday walked over to her agreed upon side of the bed, adjusted herself under the covers and silently breathed out when facing the ceiling.

There was a thin layer of silence over the two, Wednesday staring up and Enid, well Enid was sneaking side glances at her companion.

"Sneaking" was a slight lie as she'd soon figure out.

"What is it?" Wednesday broke the silence, althougg there was a noticeable lack of bite behind her words. They were still flat but they were almost soft.

"You're just.. well.. you're really pretty." Enid replied, she was moving to bury her head in the pillow when Wednesday lightly brushed her hand over the other girls quickly. As quick as it was there it was gone.

"Do not hide," It was said barely above a whisper. In fact Enid had to question if she'd really heard it. It effectively stopped her movement though. She looked back over at Wednesday, she could feel the brush forming on her cheeks. Especially when she found dark eyes staring at hers.

And her breathing stopped, and although she wasn't sure, she swore she felt Wednesday's heart jump. Then she moved, much to quickly the moment was broken. Wednesday had shot straight up in the bed.

She rather aggressively stated she would be going to the restroom and then swiftly moved further away from Enid. Deep inside Enid she felt a whimper. A loss as she girl she was beginning to love rushed away from her.

And there was nothing she could do except pretend nothing had happened, she flipped herself away from the scent of her roommate that was quickly overwhelming her. Enid decided to sleep instead of thinking about what had happened. Or well she tried.

~~Time jump 30 minutes~~

When Wednesday walked back out, yes a full 30 minutes later. Enid was asleep, although it was restless sleep.

Thing scurried onto his normal desk spot and pointed at her.

"Leave me be." Is all she responded with, she then climbed back into her bed. And as she had done repeatedly the last few nights, she laid her hand on Enid's back. She rubbed her back silently, until she had effectively stopped Enid's restlessness. Although she did not stop the contact as Wednessay also drifted into a soundless sleep.

Little did they know of the internal troubles plaguing each other. That would be confessions for another Night.

~~A/N short one but I kept thinking about this sort of a scene!~~

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