A Story and a Nightmare

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Enid's POV:

Okay so maybe staying with Wednesday and her family is gonna be harder than I thought. I can already feel my feelings growing for her and it's only been a day!

Last night she said her daily doesn't have a living room and it almost felt like she was teasing me but I couldn't see her face. She's so difficult to read!

Besides all that i'm struggling to fall asleep in this unfamiliar room, sure I'm right next to Weds room but.. wait did I just give her a nickname? Shit I can't let that slip out...

I wonder if I knock on her door she'd be awake too? Well what harm is there in trying right? It's only almost 3 am.

*third perspective*

Clearly Enid hadn't thought this through much because there was a lot of harm it could cause. Only the two girls wouldn't figure it out until much much later.

Enid's POV:

Shit, I really just knocked on Weds door. How crazy am I? There's no way she's even awake or will let me in.

I was about to turn away when I heard the door knob turn, dang wolf hearing. Her door opens and I freeze, Wednesday's hair isn't in braids and is mostly in her face.

"What?" She says glaring at me but it feels less deadly than normal.

"I.. well.. I couldn't sleep and I could use someone to talk to?" I didn't mean for it to come out as a question but damn this girl does things to me.

"Alright, you can come in." Wednesday's glare doesn't let up but she does open the door wider for me to squeeze in.

"Thanks so much, I guess I'm just used to having a sleeping buddy!" I kinda giggled out. Gosh she has no idea how nervous she makes me.

"Sleeping buddy?" Wednesday questions and raises a single eyebrow at me. Shoot! That totally came out so very wrong!

"I mean, well, ya know, um. Roommate, we share a sleeping space so I'm not alone." The words leave my mouth so quickly I can't even hardly understand them.

"I see, well you are welcome to sleep in here if it will make your stay more comfortable" Wednesday's glare let up ever so slightly ans I swear she was almost blushing? No that's impossible.

"So Enid, what exactly do you need to be comfortable enough to sleep? Seeing as I am your host here and my family wants you comfortable." Wednesday speaks again bringing me out of my thoughts. I wonder if it truly is her family wanting me comfortable or if it's her. She tends to displace her feelings on others, like when she said Thing missed me.

"Well, do you mind if we just talk for a bit? Maybe you have some fun stories to tell me about?" I was trying to keep my cool but the idea of hearing any stories of Wednesday's family had me giddy.

"I suppose, let's sit and I'll think of something to tell you about." She gestures to her... BED? Oh my gosh she's gonna let me sit on her bed like actually. Okay, okay, deep breathes. We are just best friends, no need to freak out.

I walk to Wed's bed and sit down criss-cross and stare directly into her eyes. Her eyes are incredibly mesmerizing, they look like they hold back so much. Like it isnt just one wall holding back her feelings, it's twenty. People can only wish to truly know who Wednesday Addams is, and man am I trying so hard.

Wednesday inhales sharply and averts her eyes from mine. Inside of me something honestly whines a little. That's a rather odd feeling.

"Alright, I'm going to tell you the real reason I came to Nevermore."
Wednesday is still keeping her eyes off mine but what she just said entrigued me, she's never really told me what happened. Just that it was bad.

"To start with, I always hated that school. Full of annoyingly stupid humans. On day as I was walking to class I found Pugsley shoved into her locker. When I touched him I saw one of my first visions, and it was of the boys who hurt my brother. The next day I marched straight into their swim practice and dropped starving piranhas into the pool with them. I nearly killed the worst boy of them all, but he sadly escaped. So I was forced to leave and my parents jumped at the chance to send me to Nevermore. Hoping it may change me, hoping I may find true love as they did. And my mother, my mother wanted me to turn out just like her." It truly was a monologue, and although Wednesday gave zero emotion through the whole thing she said it beautifully.

"You really did attempt murder." My eyes were definitely a little wider than normal, I mean, I knew Wednesday was a bit crazy but almost murdering someone is a little further than crazy. Of course it doesn't change how I feel about her at all. Her being honest just draws me in so much more.

Wednesday came ans sat next to me, it's taking everything in me to not start hyperventilating truly.

"Do you wish to stay in here for the night or go back to your room?" Wednesday asks as she gets in her usual sleeping position on her bed although notably she's slightly more to the right side than middle. Almost like she's allowing me to stay?

"Do you mind if I stay here for tonight?" I'm almost wishing she'll say yes, but truly I'm wishing she says no.

"I suppose you may stay" holy shit. I could pass out right now.

"I.. well, thank you." I say and lay down beside her trying to give her enough space as to not be in contact. I take a super deep breath wne instantly am calmed by the smell of Wednesday, she smells like millions of old books and oddly enough, like rain. I guess her dad has a reason for calling her storm cloud. Even crazier, how have I never noticed her scent before and why is it so overpoweringly strong now?

Before any of my questions could be answered sleep over took me.

*third perspective*

Both Enid and Wednesday were out cold, neither were ready to admit it but they calmed each other. Wednesday like a uncontrollable storm was brought to a drizzle by Enid's presence, yet she couldn't explain why. Enid's insecurities were always instantly calmed by Wednesday's presence, ans although Enid has already accepted her feelings for Wednesday she has no idea the strength they have.

When will they both realize that they can't avoid each other? That they are soulmates and meant to be for each other. And who will admit their feelings first?

Enid's mind was wondering in her sleep, she kept letting out small whimpers from beside Wednesday.

Although a fleeting thought of smothering Enid came across Wednesday's mind, she instead reached out and put her hand on Enid's shoulder. Although Enid tensed at first, quickly her shoulders relaxed and the nightmare faded. Unconsciously she moved closer, until she was against Wednesday's side.

Neither girl was ready for the adventures ahead of them, but first they will need to figure out their feelings for each other.

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