We Are Whole

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Wednesday's POV:

Enid opened the door, and Wednesday began to play her cello to the lovely sound of a medley of Taylor Swift tunes.

Enid's audible gasp graced Wednesday's ears. She smiled, a full tooth filled smile.

Yet Wednesday's back was turned, and Enid still could not see the way Wednesday smiled for her.

"Weds?" Enid's voice shook slightly. Already overly emotional. Wednesday finished her piece. Made sure the cello rested in its stand and pressed play on a small remote that rested in her suit pocket.

Another Taylor Swift song began to play. Specifically, it was the song Mine.

Wednesday turned then, as the first lyrics began to play. She connected eyes with Enid immediately. The look in the werewolf's eyes almost had Wednesday falling to the floor.

How was she going to do this?

She smoothly walked over to her wolf, reaching out a hand.

"May we dance?" She asked softly. A light smile was on Wednesday's lips.

"Is that even a question?" Enid was grinning from ear to ear. It was clear she could hardly believe what was happening.

"Come on." Wednesday pulled her in. Wrapping an arm around the Wolf's waist.

She held on tightly. Like she was afraid Enid could sleep away at any moment. The truth was she could.

"Weds, what is this?" Enid asked. Her head was resting on top of Wednesday's as they waltzed around the room.

"This, mein leuchtendes Licht (my shining light), is our everything."

"Whats that mean?"

"Hush, will you allow me to dance our night away?" Wednesday asked. She was not prepared to talk yet.

"Okay, fine." Enid relented.

They stayed like this through the end of the first Taylor Swift song. Next was our song, lastly was Ours.

They danced, and they danced until Enid's feet began to hurt.

"Amorina, as much as I adore this. What's going on?" Enid was in a blissful happiness. Yet she was clearly feeling anxious.

"Mon loup adoré, do not be anxious." Wednesday continued to dance them in circles but moved her hand up to Enid's cheek. She traves the light scarring there. Adoring her partner more every day.

"Your family has been running me around the house all day, Weds! What is all this." Enid whimpered and dropped her head into Wednesday's shoulder.

"Hey, listen here. I had them do that so you would not be focused on my whereabouts." Wednesday moved her hand under Enid's chin and brought her eyes back to her own.

"Why?" Enid tilted her head to the side.

"So that we could do this."

Wednesday stopped their movements and pulled Enid's chin closer. They were now immediately inches apart. Yet Wednesday hesitated.

All she had to do was kiss the woman in front of her, and judging by Enid's face, she was both shocked but waiting for it.


"Yes, Weds?" Enid sounded breathless already.

There was a split moment, Wednesday was not sure how to continue. Enid kissed her in the woods. Had taken control of their moment.

Wednesday had hated it then, wishing she had done it. Now she just wanted Enid to grab her and pull her in.

Enid respected her too much.

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