I Would Rather Not Say

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Wednesday's thoughts:

Okay, so, Wednesday was definitely not ready for Enid's question.

And it may of now been five minutes of silence between the two.

Their proximity was not helping Wednesday focus.

After Enid asked her why they always ended up cuddling Enid had sat on the bed. Cross-legged and eyeing Wednesday with the biggest puppy dog eyes she had ever seen.

"Wens.." Enid pressed, moving closer into the already small space between them.

"Please, give me a moment." Wednesday put her hand up to stop the jittery girl before her.

She could tell Enid's anxiety was growing the longer she took to respond, she could not help it. She would never blurt out the real reason.

She could not tell Enid that she subconsciously gravitated to her. That when she knew Enid was asleep she would turn over and rub the taller girls back.

She could not say that when Enid would start to growl in her sleep she would kiss her shoulder and whisper about how much she adored her.

It was so sickly sweet, something Wednesday Addams was not. Yet, in the solitude of darkness and the silence of a sleeping word. She was, she was possibly the sweetest. Yet no one could know.

Not even Enid.

Yet Enid's gradually faltering smile was pulling at the barely there heart strings in Wednesday's chest. So much it was starting to hurt in a way that Wednesday did not appreciate.

She had to say something.

But how?

"mio amato corvo(my beloved raven), if you can't just say so." Enid speaks again, and yet again Wednesday's breath is stolen.

"tu es ma plus grande faiblesse, j'ai besoin de ton toucher. endormi ou éveillé je te veux plus près, je souhaite te tenir et te protéger de toute douleur dans ce monde" 

(you're my greatest weakness. I crave your touch. asleep or awake, I want you closer, i wish to hold you and protect you from all pain in this world)

"Wednesday. You know I can't understand that." Enid huffed, rolling her eyes playfully. Enid made sure to make it extra clear that she wasn't mad at Wednesday. She knew sometimes the raven girl could miss the signals.

Wednesday had not intended to blurt out anything just yet. Her heart had clearly taken over, and she whispered a silent thank you to the world for it coming out in French instead of English.

She trusted Enid, of course, but not enough for her to see all of her cards yet. She also could not bear to give into her family's curse just yet.

"I appreciate the heat. I am very used to constantly being near frostbite levels of cold. You in my bed so close are like a personal heater. Subconsciously, I must want to be warmer." Wednesday finally let out. It was not a lie, for she was not one for lying.

She deemed it unnecessary, why draw something out and have to keep track of a storyline?

No, she told the truth as best she could. Unless it was necessary, like the night of the gates mansion, lying to both Tyler and Enid. It's not her best move clearly.

Wednesday's eyes drifted over Enid's scarred over face. Her superhuman healing did wonders, and many humans would still be healing from such events. Now, Enid only had the scars and stories to tell.

Wednesday could not fight the guilt washing over her.

She mentally noted to speak to Enid about how she was feeling about the scars on a later date. Maybe on an actual date.

The Raven - Wenclair *Complete*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن