🍒001; Bitten

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It was a dark and foggy night out in the woods of a small town that is called, 'Beacon Hills'.

Nearby the woods, several deputies pull up with police cars, the blue and red lights flickered all around the area, many deputies escaping the police cars, making their way into the woods, flashlights in their hands, their eyes scanning the area as dogs walked behind them, sounds of barking and whimpering escaping them.

Inside a house, a tan skinned teen that goes by the name of Scott McCall, was seen lacing up his lacrosse stick as he was in his room.

After he was done, he went inside the bathroom, to get ready for bed, planning on getting a proper night sleep, since he believes tomorrow will be a special for him.

He was seen washing his face, but then he heard a loud crashing noise coming from the outside of the house, him quickly turning around, a curious look on his face.

Scott was then seen walking by the closed front door, quickly taking out the baseball bat, then opening the door, him stepping out of the house, going on the porch, his eyes scanning outside.

Scott then saw someone hanging upside down and lifted his bat, screaming out, someone screaming as well, but then froze when he saw it was his best friend, Stiles Stilinski.

Scott lowered the bat in frustration and annoyance, looking at his best friend, sighing out.

"Stiles! What the hell are you doing?" Scott gave him an annoyed glance.

A shadow was seen creeping up from behind Scott, the McCall didn't notice anything, but the Stilinski did, and he secretly grinned.

A fair skinned hand was seen slowly hovering over the McCall's shoulder, nails painted in a cherry red color.

Scott feeling a hand placed on his shoulder, made him jump up, turning around and letting out a scream of fright.

The McCall holding on his heart, breathing out heavily, gasping out.

Scott then saw a tall, fair skinned, green eyed, ginger haired female, her eyes shinning, a bright smile painted on her nude pink stained lips.

Maia Martin.

"Maia! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!" His voice held annoyance.

Maia just gave him an amused look. "Why would i do that? Knowing about your condition?"

"What are you two doing here?" Scott then sighed out.

"Two joggers found a body out in the woods!" Stiles excitedly says.

Scott then frowned in confusion. "A dead body?"

Stiles then sarcastically responded. "No, a body of water."

Stiles then rolled his eyes. "Yes, dumbass, a dead body."

"You mean like murdered?" Scott asked curiously.

"Nobody knows yet, just that it was a girl, probably in her twenty's." Stiles states.

"Hold on, if they found the body then what are we looking for?" Scott asked confused.

Stiles had a gleeful expression on his face. "That's the best part, they only found half."

Stiles noticed that Scott seemed like he was going to refuse, so he quickly cut him off.

"We're going." Stiles demanded.

"I don't-." Scott was quick to refuse, but Maia quickly cut him off.

"If i'm going, so are you." Maia grabbed onto Scott's hand.

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now